It's Not A Coat

Damocles, First Ring

At the venue of a hundred tables and over a thousand seatings, the local families in the upper echelons of Damocles and foreign guests from afar gathered as the place buzzed with the chattering of different voices. 

Silvery cutleries filled the tables, but not a single dish of fine cuisine nor quality beverage was found within sight. 

Nevertheless, it did not affect the mood of the social gathering.


Suddenly, the static ring of a microphone sounded from the podium, spreading across the entire venue before the noise of chatters quickly died down into silence as the guests turned towards it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, misters and misses, local lords and foreign guests. The emperor has decreed a change in schedule and added a surprise event, you can say, to spice tonight's banquet," a male emcee spoke on the podium.
