The Regulators' Plan

Exactly as it sounds, cryosleep is the process of putting people into cold sleep via freezing their bodies to low temperatures in order to effectively preserve it with the hopes of reviving them in the future.

It was a good choice for people with incurable diseases to choose.

However, humans have only achieved the first half of the step.

Without succeeding in the latter half of the goal, the process was no different from simply freezing people to death and putting them to eternal slumber. 

Albion found it intriguing that the Iceborn Wolf Tribe has mastered this technique and silently labeled the Iceborn Wolf Tribe as an invaluable asset—not only to him but to the whole.

If the world knew about it, no one would ever try to kill them. In fact, everyone would try to get their hands on at least one tribesman for themselves.

There were some things in the world that even Albion was helpless against—incurable diseases.