City of Many Races

"Go straight through…? But Master, it is blocked by an energy barrier…" Fenriri mentioned with doubt. 

"I know," Albion nodded impassively before he said, "And so? If there isn't a path, just make one. Since this is an energy-based barrier, it will just repair itself anyway." 

That being said, Albion quickly approached the energy barrier and stuck his hands before pulling them apart as if he was grabbing two parts of the energy barrier directly and wrenching them apart. 


+1 lightning resistance

The electrical current immediately rushed through Albion's body upon body, finding outlets to be discharged before his long white hair shot up like it just got styled with superglue, causing Albion's body to freeze immediately. 

"Seems like this energy-based barrier is powered by electrical energy…" Albion's lips twitched, recalling his bad experiences with lightning.