Stone Gambling

"Comment; the little thing seems to be saying something."

"So it seems."

Cetwo and Ceone gazed at the strange earthworm with human-like faces before they shortly concluded that it was an intelligent lifeform.

Nevertheless, they did not understand what it was saying. 

"Requesting to keep the little thing as a pet—I mean for research purposes," Cetwo had a slip of the tongue while admiring the Blizzard Earthworm.

"Denied. The earthworms have been purposely placed in this chest for a reason. We should not take anything that could risk earning the True Immortal's ire and jeopardizing our mission," Ceone said firmly. 

Even so, Ceone could understand her twin sister's desire. 

The little wriggly things were sort of cute and reminded her of a cartoonish game they used to play in their childhood, where they control soldier worms to shoot at opposing worms.