Peak-stage Innate Realm

After browsing the memory fragments for some time, Albion paused on a peculiar memory fragment with little carnage but a lot of knowledge on alchemy and even artifact forging. 

'Artifact forging, huh? I need this knowledge if I want to turn the Void Stone into another interspatial artifact or reforge the Ashura Ring to have bigger storage space…' Albion thought. 

'Haiz, forget about reforging the Ashura Ring for now. I should acquire confidence in artifact forging before making such an attempt. It will be tragic if I end up ruining the Ashura Ring."

Nevertheless, it was not like Albion had not been destroying everything the Dark Emperor had worked hard to built up since day one.

The gateway to Nine Divine Heavens was not entered, the Ashura Group fell apart, spirit herbs were used to make trash pills, the Ashura Flames were used for cooking fish and heating bathwater, and even the treasured Grade-6 Obisidian Sword was used to dig dirt.