Returning to Silvercove City

"Considering that things have even reached this point, you have must have actively sought them out to resolve the conflict—which is why I have yet to see any further attacks from the powerful families. In this regard, you have done an excellent job."

"It is what I should do, Boss." Roderick Patrick said humbly with a bow after being praised by Albion. 

"Nevertheless, do they not know who I am?" Albion shortly frowned again before asking, "Who gave them the audacity to try and take advantage of me? Was it the Earth Federation Leader whom you negotiated with?"

"No, Boss. It was actually Senator Rosglov, who is overseeing all matters in the Glacia continent," Roderick Patrick answered before adding, "Senator Rosglove… He should be aware of your identity, Boss."

"Senator Rosglov, huh?" Albion muttered with a frown before he said, "I consider myself a pretty reasonable person, but since this person tried to take advantage of me, he will have his reckoning."