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"It?" Albion furrowed his brows and asked coolly, "Where's your previous confidence now?" 

"Excuse my impudence, my lord, for I did not recognize your majesty!" White Impermanence said. 

Albion was taken aback before he looked at White Impermanence with doubt and asked, "You sure you didn't get the wrong person?"

"There's no way we would make a mistake! Those red eyes, it can only belong to the Dark Emperor!" White Impermanence argued with trembling fear before he covered his mouth as if he mentioned a taboo existence. 

Alas, he was seeing the taboo existence in person himself, so it did not make much difference whether he said it or not. 

"Oh?" Albion's interest was raised before he waved them off, "Since you know, then I will let you off this time. Go, get out of here and stop bothering me." 

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty!"