Dragon-Taming Operation

As they made their choices, they quickly filled out the registration form while everyone was also doing the same after making their choices. 

"What are you going to pick?" a person asked the lady beside him.

"Me? I can only register for recon. You know, my parents are against me joining this kind of cult. They would break my legs if they found out," the lady said.

"In that case, you might as well YOLO and go for assault if they are going to break your legs anyway," the person encouraged. 

However, the lady quickly replied, "Are you crazy? In that case, they wouldn't just break my legs. They will kill me!"

As the crowd discussed their choices and made up their minds before handing in their registration forms, the tally eventually came out after they were assessed.

Without any surprise, 70% of the crowd chose recon while 20% logistics. Only a mere 10% chose assault, but it was still a higher count than Jeffrey anticipated.