Fleeing The Battle

Silvercove Beach. 

Boom, boom…!

As the city dwellers gathered by the beachside with their mobile phones out, the distant Dragon Island rumbled with the noises of battle.

"What is the situation on Dragon City? Why are there battle noises over there?! I thought peacekeeping forces were trying to capture our guardian!?"

"The peacekeeping forces must have failed and angered it instead! Now they have to face its wrath!"

"Hah! Serves them right! That is what they get for trying to control something they should not control!" a young boy jeered. 

"But can our city's guardian beat the peacekeeping forces?" a young lady asked with concern before adding, "What if the peacekeeping forces kill our city's guardian?"

"If the peacekeeping forces dare to kill our city's guardian, it will be an all-out war with all of us! Do they even understand the symbolic values that dragons have here?!" an old lady shouted angrily with a clenched fist.