Why Is It So Hard To Think Of A Title?

"The Lord is not here. Whatever you want to say, just spit it out. I will decide whether it is worth the Lord's time and attention.

Polemos gazed at Empress Una on-screen calmly as he spoke.

"Who are you to decide for the Dark Lord?" Empress Una frowned before she said mockingly, "Do you really think you are that important to the Dark Lord? You are no different from the rest of us."

"But unlike you, we had the courage to betray the Dark Lord openly. If you were so loyal to the Dark Lord, you wouldn't have gone after the Ashura Ring first, and it wouldn't have taken you so long to find the Dark."

"Courage? More like foolishness. Otherwise, why would any of you need to run into hiding now that the Lord has emerged?" Emperor Polemos dropped his casual expression and said with a cold smile.