Blood Violetgrass

Elegant, graceful, charming, and charismatic found themselves in one body, a perfected being—or rather, a perfected appearance. 

Such unnatural perfection could not be found in humans, but to the elves, his appearance was royal than royalties themselves. 

As such, the chances of elves mistaking him as some pureblooded royal prince was high.

Nevertheless, none of that appeared on Fenriri's mind as she thought out loud, "Master can change into an elf, but what about Fenriri?"

"You'll be fine as is. You have yet to expose your appearance from under that cloak of yours. Thus, if we bump into the same elves as before, they won't be able to relate you to the same person they've seen if you reveal yourself," Albion casually stated. 

With no actual knowledge of elven tradition and culture, the best way to enter the elf tribe is to do so openly and confidently with a false identity—for example, an elf from a different tribe.