
"Uwah, so pretty!"

Fenriri's sudden outburst quickly caught the first princess by surprise before she shifted her glance down to Fenriri beside Albion and smiled. 

"Please, have a seat." Princess Floria offered them to be seated again before speaking, "I believe a quick introduction is necessary, but before that…"

The first princess abruptly stopped mid-speech to clap her hands, signaling the attendants to fill the table with food and drinks. 

The attendants quickly brought out an array of exquisite and fresh vegetarian dishes, carrying an enticing aroma that immediately whetted Fenriri's bottomless appetite. 

With a single glance, Albion immediately understood the Willow's Secret was deserving of its fame despite being a newly established food business. 

The faint spiritual aura exuding from the dishes made them anything but ordinary.