
As Lady Death waited for a dead soul to take the bait, she gave a casual glance at Black Impermanence, who had yet to leave.

His expression showed he had something else to report.

"Speak freely," Lady Death told him.

"Yes, Lady Death!" Black Impermanence complied and began to report, "As per your orders, I've sent my subordinates to investigate the edges of the realm a year ago. A short while ago, I've finally received word back from them."

The Netherworld Realm was a world of the dead, a phantom world with nothing truly tangible as if everything is illusory and a figment of one's imagination.

It was supposed to be a world without borders, growing ceaselessly alongside its growing population of dead souls that descend from the world of the living.

However, the Death Goddess detected changes in the realm and immediately tasked the Black Guards to investigate.