Divine Miracle

A few minutes after Albion and Fenriri left the orphanage, the skies gradually darkened as Estelle Xiao came out to call the orphanage children in for dinner.

"What are you all loitering around outside for? It's getting dark already. Do you want to get abducted by bad people again?" Estelle Xiao warned before saying, "Come in and let's eat together!"

"Okay! Wuxin and Sally are not afraid of bad people! Boss will come back and beat them all up!" Little Wuxin answered.

"Yeah! With Boss around, there won't be any other bad people around!" Little Sally chimed.

"Yeah, yeah, your boss is so strong, bad people don't dare to stick around," Estelle Xiao smiled wryly before wondering, "But why did you two suddenly bring up your boss?"

"Because Boss was just here!" the two answered.

"Here?" Estelle Xiao furrowed her brows and glanced around the vicinity with suspicions before asking, "Why did your boss come?"