Another Title

"B-boss…?" Mayor Enzo uttered. 

At the same time, everyone in the conference room cast their gazes at Albion with different feelings between excitement and curiosity.

For some members of the Blackthorne Group, it was their first time seeing the boss, while for others, they had only seen him a few times.

"The one and only." Albion nodded calmly.

Mayor Enzo instinctively felt fear after his confirmation and felt weakness in his knees. 

Unlike most members of the group, he was just an official government official who was assigned to manage the city and blackmailed into becoming a part of Blackthorne Group.

He didn't have any strength to back up his position.

"N-no, boss. I don't have dissatisfaction," Mayor Enzo stuttered with sweat.

"We're all good then," Albion casually said.

At the same time, Xiao Hua and Klein Seymour looked like they had something to say to Albion, but they knew it wasn't the time and place for it.