Foreign Soul Sprite

After settling matters in Stronghold GC-01, Albion grabbed Fenrira and departed for the Netherfrost Blizzard Realm's World Portal in the deeper parts of the Glacia continent.

The Iceborn Wolf Tribesmen appeared to have grown much stronger, and the bugs beneath the stronghold did not pose them any trouble.

The situation was entirely under their control.

Nevertheless, Fenrira did not expect to be flying to the World Portal and began to have regrets following Albion.

Her eyes rolled back and started frothing.

Meanwhile, Albion casually glanced back and took in the full view of the six strongholds' construction progress.

The six strongholds formed a hexagonal ring, and in the future, the empty plot of land within will fill up with new buildings to accommodate people as the base grows and turn into a megacity.