Not Your Daddy

"Netherglow City does identity checks at the gate before one is allowed into the city. Do you have any identification, Your Excellency?" the grass-collecting group leader inquired while suspecting Albion has no identification.

"What kind of identification do you want?" Albion replied nonchalantly without taking the identity check seriously.

He couldn't care less about this so-called identification check.

Even if he has to break into the city by force, the guards will not be able to stop him, and once he is inside, no one can track him either.

After all, he had inherited the Dark Emperor's art of disguise.

Nevertheless, when the grass-collecting group leader heard his answer, the grass-collecting group leader immediately confirmed that Albion has no identifications.

'Sure enough, this True Immortal does know anything about Netherglow City's identification process; he's not a local,' the entire grass-collecting group confirmed.