Already In Hell, Yet Still Courting Death

Shortly after the draconian female clerk left for some time, she returned with a bespectacled lizardman, who has the strength of Late-stage Spirit Consolidation.

"Greetings, Esteemed Sir," the bespectacled lizardman greeted Albion with refined manners.

"I've heard the details from my female clerk, and I apologize on her behalf for not knowing better," the bespectacled lizardman apologized humbly before gesturing him to the stairs, "Please follow me upstairs to the VIP floor, Esteemed Sir."

"Alright," Albion nodded.

As he followed the manager and walked past the draconian female clerk, she quickly lowered her head in apology to him again.

Her expression revealed deep regret for her uncouth manner.

'Money makes the world go around, huh? I guess the Netherworld Realm isn't an exception to this saying,' Albion silently thought with amusement.