Barbeque Event


"Have a nice day."

The female bank teller stared at Albion absentmindedly, unamused by his joke before he shrugged it off and expressed his intention to leave.

"W-wait, Lord Sum Ting Wong! Aren't you planning to register with our bank?"

"No, and I don't plan to. I came, I saw, and now I leave; simple as that," Albion nonchalantly replied before turning to leave.

The female bank teller was dumbfounded.

She turned her head mechanically to the side and saw Lord Donatello's dissatisfied look before she quickly called out to Albion.

"W-wait one moment, Lord Sum Ting Wong! May I ask why you don't want to register an account with our bank?" the female bank teller asked with a desperate look.

She was baffled why Lord Sum Ting Wong wasn't interested when the bank offered great benefits to nobles.

"Let's just say that I like to keep all my wealth close and leave it at that, okay?" Albion left those words before exiting the bank.