Chapter 2: The Beginning Of An Adventure

Chapter 2: The Beginning Of An Adventure

At London Heathrow Airport, it was a beautiful Friday, April 7, 1969 at 8:00 am. There was a young man sleeping in a chair in the waiting room; from the Emigration Department of the British Ministry of Magic. Suddenly, the young man's eyelids tremble and he opens his eyes gently, you could see his eyes; golden, as intense as the purest gold. He begins to look around, to see where he was and realizes that he had successfully transmigrated,

He gets up, I inspect his new body and you start to look around him, from his observation he realizes that he is in a waiting room. It is supposed to be waiting for your permission to enter the country.

Suddenly and without warning a great wave of memories hits him; observing all their childhood, adolescence, trainings, noble labels, command of speaking and writing in various languages; English, Chinese, Russian, etc. Even behaviors and body traits and I even assimilate the trip that I made in the family tradition test.

And as if it wasn't enough headache. Suddenly, all the knowledge of the library of the path of magic explodes in her brain and enters her mind. The saddest thing is that he could not even cry out from the pain, but fortunately and thanks to her third wish; Instantaneous mastery, the pain subsided and he subconsciously began to master all subjects, from: magical and muggle alike, to levels no one thought possible. The young man, exhausted by the forced simulation that has just happened, faints again in her seat and everything is silent again, as if nothing had happened.

For more than four hours, the young man passed out, already lying motionless in his chair and seemed to be sleeping. When suddenly, noises of hurried footsteps break the silence of the place, it was from a young assistant; passenger emigration department; of the British Ministry of Magic. She rushed up to him to wake him up and tactfully touched his shoulder.

"Lord Dovahkiin, Lord Dovahkiin! Please wake up! " says the young woman hurriedly trying to wake the young man.

The young man wakes up and observes: a beautiful young woman aged 20-24 in front of him, beautiful features and attributes. They both stare at each other, for more than about five minutes without saying anything.

"Hello, what can I do for you beautiful lady?" asks the young man.

The young woman blushes intensely as the young man in front of her was incredibly beautiful and attractive, and even the prince charming of her dream could not be compared to the male god in front of her and that she had seen many young heirs of noble houses they wanted to woo her, but none could be bought from young lord Dovahkiin.

"Eh, eh, eh!, Hello!, ahem!, I'm Sofia Greengrass a member of the noble and ancestral house of the Greengrass" says Sofia.

The young Sofia, was extremely nervous by his presentation so unreliable. But her fears were unfounded, because the young man responded with a big smile.

"What a beautiful name you have, Miss Sofia, how can I help you?" The young man asks.

Young Sofia, with an elegant approach and a little nervousness. Says a few words with a polite and professional smile.

"Lord Maximillium Steven Dovahkiin; Heir To The Noble and Ancestral House of the Dovahkiin. The British Ministry of Magic; approved your stay in the country, you must also present and arrange your documents at the Department of Magic Security. Within a period of one month and where you are requested to pay your family bills, and be aware of the new laws, which the ministry has approved. I am pleased to welcome back to England, Mr. Dovahkiin, the ministry hopes that your stay will be permanent" says Sofia in a formal and working tone.

"Thank you, Miss Sofia, but I would like to take the fireplace Red Flu and direct me The Leaky Cauldron, please" Max replies.

"Of course, follow me. If you want I can be your guide?, Since it must have been a long time since the last time you visited "says Sofia suggests an invitation to.

"Thank you, Miss Sofia, but I would like to go; The Leaky Cauldron and ask for a room, and rest from the long journey, because I still feel a bit tired" Max replied.

"Okay, follow me; to the fireplace Red Flu and you can go there" says Sofia in understanding.

"Thank you, Miss Sofia" says Max.,

The two of them walked for about 5 minutes without saying anything, since the young woman is very impressed, by the perfect way Max walked, not even her grandfather; who always said that her label was of high quality for a nobleman of her status, could not be compared to Max. However, she couldn't help but ramble in her thoughts. Since she herself had heard of the massacre of The Noble and Ancient House of the Dovahkiin. After that many noble families, began to hide their houses under the enchantment Fidelius and she herself is scared, since she had heard things from a dark lord and was gathering followers.

Quickly without realizing it, they were in front of the Red Flu fireplace and Max undeterred took a little fluff powder, and stood in front of the fireplace.

"Thank you, Miss Sofia Greengrass," says Max

"Goodbye Mr. Dovahkiin" he says.

"Goodbye Miss Sofia" says Max as he throws the dust into the fireplace and says .

And in a burst of green flames he disappeared, without realizing that he had entered the heart of young Miss Greengrass, who was captivated by the man and wizard she just met.

Bellatrix Black's POV.

My name is Bellatrix Black, I was born in 1951, just finished school and honestly; is that, instead of going to my house, I went to the Leaky Cauldron; to have a drink and relax. Because it terrifies me, so much about the idea of getting married; with that idiot Rodolphus Lestrange and I was distraught that all the members of my House Black wanted me to marry him. Since that was what was expected of a woman in my class, but I did not want to marry an asshole and I wanted to be a Hit Witch.

Suddenly Red Flu's fireplace is activated in flickering green flames and from what I can see; it was someone of great power coming out of there. And since I know they were someone powerful; that's because my House Black, they were closely involved in the creation of the Red Flu and without giving me time to think. A man comes out of the chimney; incredibly handsome, of a height; of about 1.95 meters, a body; shapely 20-year-old young man, hair and eyes; golden like the purest gold, skin; healthy and smooth white, with facial features; attractive. He was the most handsome, elegant and noble man she had ever seen. He wore a magician's robe; Standard black not too formal and not too informal. But what stood out the most about his clothes was that everything had designs with gold and silver threads, which made his clothes remarkable. And I couldn't help but notice that it had the emblem of a European dragon; carefully tucked into a gold-plated diamond and if memory serves; It is the noble and ancestral House of the Dovahkiin, that was a noble and very powerful family, but I thought that there are no living members left, since I found out in the newspaper the prophet of their massacre.

Without realizing it, he was looking around, but I was eating him with my eyes, I couldn't help it, he was an elegant man, every gesture he made was from the master-level nobles etiquette book, such bearing nobility and elegance; they would make my father Cygnus Black ashamed to be around him. This man had to be mine before I lose my chastity for that jerk Rodolphus and maybe I can escape my commitment.

Suddenly his gaze fell on me, he looked at me and I looked into his eyes, at first he was surprised, heh, heh, heh!, which made me earn a proud smile for my attractiveness, I already knew she was a beautiful woman and highly desired in various noble circles. However, the moment she looked at me with a beaming smile on her face and it made me turn on immediately. Oh my heart, I have to say it; the man in front of me, made my oclumency have trouble controlling and my heart race; I think I'm in love with him.

He comes walking like this to me, with each firm and strong step, which overflows a waste of elegance and noble status. With his gaze fixed on me, without taking it away at any time and time seemed to vanish, because without realizing it he was in front of me, and he was preparing to introduce himself. Without giving my heart any opportunity to prepare.

"Hello beautiful lady! I am Maximillium Steven Dovahkiin!; Heir to the noble and ancestral House of the Dovahkiin! Would you give me the honor and privilege of knowing your distinguished name? " the handsome man asks me.