Chapter 4: Meeting at Black Mansion

Chapter 4: Meeting at Black Mansion

Max's point of view

----- Black Mansion Place ------

Upon arriving at the Black Mansion, I could see several people, one was a man no older than 35 years, with hair; black, with eyes; gray, of a height; about 1.85cm, with a body; not very trained, but he looked powerful and his etiquette and manners were impeccable. he watched me and evaluated me. I observe by his side an older woman of about 30 to 35, with hair; blond, with eyes; sky blue, one height; At 1.78cm, she was quite beautiful and I must emphasize, that she looked about 25 years old in appearance, said person also evaluated me. I look at her side and see a young woman with hair; black, with features similar to those of Bella, about 17 years old, her I put that she must be Andromeda and she looked at me curiously. I look behind her and I see another young woman, blond hair, very pretty, appeared to her mother, and I suppose that she is Narcissa looking at me; with intrigue, vigilance and distrust. I calm down and start walking with Bella by my side towards where they were, Bella elegantly introduces me to her father.

"Father, let me introduce you to Lord Maximillium Steven Dovahkiin!; Heir to the noble and ancestral House of Dovahkiin !, Max this is my father Cygnus Black III; member of The Noble and Ancestral House of Black, this is my mother Druella Black, my middle sister Andromeda Black and my younger sister Narcissa Black "says Bella proudly introducing her family.

"Mr. Black, Mrs. Black and Miss Black! It's an honor to meet you!" I say bowing gracefully.

"It is also an honor for me to meet him Dovahkiin heir! Are you by any chance Max The Tyrant Dragon?; who is a renowned and world famous bounty hunter, for catching many criminals; also, he is the world dueling champion for three years in a row and a great historian of magic history, I'm right, right? " Cygnus asks, but with a Legality poll I saw that he was thinking (I hope it is not and if it is, then there to be careful. But I think it is him, because they are very similar).

"Haha well yeah that's me! Even though I didn't think someone would know about my little achievements?" I say asking and but I think (well that were my achievements before recovering my memories and maybe later in the future, I can do something even more impressed).

"Well that's because my husband Cygnus, is in charge of family business outside the country and I have heard a lot about you at various noble parties. I must say that I too am impressed by your achievements, young Mr. Dovahkiin" says Druella, but on probing with Legilimency I saw that he was thinking of (certainly he is a gifted, handsome, and noble wizard. I must convince my husband to try to establish a marital connection with one of my daughters).

"Please Mrs. Druella, call me Max! And the truth is, you are only looking for a hobby while traveling the world, never imagine having such fame or titles" I say and think (certainly it is true, because from my memories it was very boring to travel aimlessly and that's why I looked for ways to distract myself).

"Okay Max, Cygnus and I are very sorry about what happened to the members of your House Dovahkiin, do you have any idea who could have committed such a crime?" asks Druella.

Cygnus with wide and surprised eyes, responds hastily and in an effort not to misinterpret his wife's words "Please darling, don't overwhelm young Max! With sad matters, he sure came to us for help and we will help where we can".

I consider it a bit and wonder if I should tell them or not, but decides to do it because I am interested in Bellatrix and I want to change her life. I reply "Well as regards what happened to my family, Grandpa Maximus sent me a Patronum and told me what happened before he died. Apparently it was a man named Lord Voldemort, who claims to be heir to Slytherin and was the one responsible for such atrocity, but I investigated it with some friends I trust. Because I wanted to know who this Lord Voldemort was and it seems that the name is an anagram of his real name, which is Tom Marvolo Riddle, a low-class half-breed. I also managed to investigate Tom's family: his father a Muggle; called Tom Riddle Sr and his mother a Squib from House Gaunt; called Mérope Gaunt. To be honest, I don't know what this half-breed is playing and what I even more puzzled in my research is. Was that the bastard is or was an apprentice to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore "I say while thinking about (I feel there is more involved, I'll try to find out later and see what really happened).

Immediately Mr. Cygnus and his wife looked pale, as if they had already met this dark lord, and they seemed that more pale when he mentioned that he was a half-breed, Cygnus was the first to speak seemed very concerned and asked urgently "Young Max! Is this information true? It is very important to validate it! Since our Black family has been in contact with this dark lord and if it is true, then we have been deceived ".

Druella also rushes to support her husband, and so that he would not misunderstand and have no disagreements, "I hope you are not offended, young Max! The truth is that this mestizo has made an appearance in several noble meetings, looking for sympathizers to his cause and my sister-in-law is quite involved in the matter, since she has attended several meetings organized by this half-Blood".

"I understand! Regarding the information, it is correctly verified and I also paid the sum of 2,600,000 galleons, for the information in the underworld. So it must be true, since no one dared to cheat me and live to tell it. In addition, the agents of the underworld are trustworthy people, of course if you can pay their price and with my current achievements nobody wants to be my enemy. Because that would make me their enemy and my enemies do not live happy lives "I say seriously and I show them a copy of the document coldly.

Cygnus and Druella take the document and see it and immediately Cygnus and Druella run to Red Flu's fireplace and say the following words <12 Grimmauld Place>. They disappear into the green flames, for 2 minutes we were silent and until Narcissa spoke.

"You are Bella's boyfriend?" Narcissa asks with curiosity and a touch of gossip

Bella looked flustered and gave Narcissa a murderous look, but I noticed for a moment on her face she was hopeful. As if waiting for what I was going to say. But her other sister said something that devastated Bella completely.

"But Bella you are not going to marry Rodolphus" Dora asks, but when probing with Legilimency I saw that he was thinking about (I'm sure Bella is interested in this man, so I should joke with her while I can and live for the moment to make fun of her. Heh heh heh!).

Bella's eyes immediately turn red and she runs off to what I assume is her room. We were silent for a minute without saying anything. Until I start a conversation.

"Bella is engaged?" I ask with the intention of breaking the ice and to satisfy my curiosity.

"She is not engaged, but the members of House Black; they want her to marry a young man from a Noble House and to establish a beneficial connection, and they have been spinning the matter for several years and have not formalized anything so far. What I can't imagine is that my sister seems very interested in you, how did you meet her? " Cissy asks wanting to know everything, but when probing her with Legilimency I was thinking about (my sister is very lucky, to have met such a handsome man and because of my parents' behavior of being a Noble House with great wealth. Members of my house are distrustful of strangers. Unless the other house is on the same level as the Noble Black House and if they are of the same status, a marital connection is always sought that benefits the Black House. It is a pity that it cannot meet him first).

"To be honest! I met her at the Leaky Cauldron and because I arrived in the country last night, where I had to spend some hellish hours of waiting; in the emigration department of the ministry" I say with a sigh and continue explaining "This is how I headed to Leaky Cauldron, to ask and request room arrangements, have a drink and then get a proper rest. But unfortunately I wasn't counting on there being no rooms available and Bella offered to help me ask your father if he could offer me a place to stay. But now that they are gone and I don't know what to do".

"It is quite simple to solve, stay in the guest room and my parents will not mind, since it is safer they wanted to talk to you when they returned" says Dora, but when probing her with Legilimency I was thinking about (I think mom and dad will be happy with which he stays, and they will surely want to talk to him after talking to my great-uncle).

"You seem like a very intelligent young Andromeda, I will gladly accept your offer and if you could guide me to the room" I say with a smile, certainly I was quite exhausted and I was having a hard time staying on my feet.

"Sure, is not a problem. ", confirms Dora.

Suddenly a very lively house elf appears.

"How can Ana help young Miss Dora ?!" asks the house elf Ana

Dora with a smile says "Ana takes Mr. Max to the guest room."

The little elf Ana, looks at me with surprised and amazed eyes, I think it is due to my levels of magic or my dragon heritage.

"Ana, it will be the Master Dragon's guide! Please follow me Master Dragon!" Ana says with great encouragement and directed me to the room.

Without saying anything else I follow her, leaving behind Cissy and Dora, as I disappear from her sight.

Andromeda's point of view

I watched the man disappear from my sight, but I was thinking (Master Dragon, according to what I have read in the books of the Black library, is someone revered as a tamer of dragons and a speaker of the ancient language of dragons. He is certainly a man very interesting and mysterious; I think that's why my sister is attracted to it) my thoughts were interrupted by my sister Cissy, asking something.

"Sister, Ana said the Dragon Master?" Cissy asks curiously.

"I have no idea, but I think it must be a magical ability of House Dovahkiin, just as the Blacks have our magical ability and although in our case it has disappeared from our magical heritage" I replied, but it was thought. (Certainly, someone who can speak with dragons must be powerful and now I see why the Noble House Black saw the Noble House Dovahkiin as equals).

"You think our parents were talking to great-uncle Arcturus about that dark lord?" Cissy asks anxiously.

"It's the safest thing, they also looked very concerned about the information they heard from Mr. Max and I hope it's not too late" I replied, but I thought (I just hope that the Black House does not fall apart).

"You don't think Max is too handsome and handsome, that he seems unreal" asks Cissy.

"You are right Cissy, he is very attractive and handsome, and from what I saw from my father's reaction, his Noble House Dovahkiin is richer than Noble House Lestrange. What I fear is that Bella is in love with him and if she is. ; He will have a lot of competition, when the young witches meet him "I replied and thought (he is the man with whom I always dreamed of marrying and having a family).

"Hehe, I think so too, but I'm happy for my sister, since she was never interested in boys" says Cissy, but there was a touch of envy in her words.