Chapter 38: A Man of Enduring and Taking Advantage of Circumstances

Chapter 38: A Man of Enduring and Taking Advantage of Circumstances

Hello friends! It's me, Max, your favorite fictional protagonist! ... Currently I am in my private box, seeing the place where my granddaughter disappeared and tand the clumsy who traveled time.

I was thinking about what kind of shit I will get into in the future, I can only take precautions and prepare my descendants for the matter. Certainly, I could trace and seal the passage to the demon plane, but I'm too lazy to do so. Besides, it was all that he old Albus fault and I can't go through life cleaning up all his shit.

While thinking about what kind of shit would happen in the future and how unfortunate I am. Suddenly, four beautiful intruders enter my private box, holding me down and restricting my movements, I knew I could free myself from my restrictions at any moment, but I decided to observe what the four women it was planned for my.

"Subject it tight, Cissy! So he doesn't move!" says Dora

"I already have subject it, sister!" says Cissy.

"Can you tell me what you are doing girls ?!" he asked in a high voice, pretending and acting surprised.

"Oh dear husband ... we the sisters ... we have decided to torture you with sexual pleasure... until you accept our fifth sister Tatiana" says Bellatrix and in a sensual way, but with a lot of suspense. She clearly liked the idea of torturing me.

I on the other hand, raise my left eyebrow in a questioning way and it's because I won't tell you… my real thoughts. And I said "Oh you better let me go girls or things could get really bad for you four "

"You know, dear husband!" Rita says as he runs his hand across my chest in a completely provocative and exciting way. And she continues saying "Things are already very bad for you, husband and you can only keep quiet like a good Husband, bear all our ideas of torture ...". "

Upon hearing Rita's indecent proposal, I was puzzled and it was because I wanted to know, what he had planned for me these four women. Suddenly I feel someone touch my lips, it was Andromeda she liked to kiss and touch my lips, clearly she had a little fetish.

Bellatrix, me pull my pants down and she sit me on the couch in my private box. Then I see Cissy close the curtains and the thoughts in my brain run wildly, it was obvious that these women had this planned.

Bellatrix, puts my member in her mouth and licking it with her tongue in a circular way ... oh Merlin give me strength ... and little by little she begins to put it in her mouth, from top to bottom in a continuous way and without stopping, but slowly to excite me ...

Andromeda, stands behind me in a slightly raised way in height, takes my face and tilts it up. She looks into my eyes and licks her lips, saying something provocative "It's time to taste these delicious and fleshy lips of yours Husband" at the end of her words, she kisses me intensely ... I'll just tell you, that I me felt like Spiderman and Mary Jane Watson, when they kissed in movie.

Then I feel Rita, unbutton my shirt, starting to kiss and lick my neck. Once or twice she would come close to my ear, bite it blatantly and I was already excited.

Soon Cissy arrived, kneeling with her sister Bellatrix and began to suck my balls ... oh Merlin or Morgan help ... because little by little ... I'm falling into the trap of these four women ...

Rita asks whispering it in my ear "Do you agree that let's have a fifth sister, Husband?" but she said it in a way that was not a question, rather it seemed that they had already decided and I could only say yes.

Suddenly, I feel Rita shamelessly bite my right nipple and lick it, while stroking my abs with her hands. Little by little this brother ... was ... falling ... into temptation ...

Bellatrix, in an intense and accelerated movement, sucked my member in a very strong way ... clearly ... she wanted me to ejaculate in her mouth ... but this brother had her resistance ...

I was enjoying the attention my body was receiving ... or as they call it ... torture of sexual pleasure ... of course I couldn't move.

I let these four women do what they want with me...




Little by little about 5 minutes passed, let me tell you that this brother was at his limit … little by little … I was squirming … clearly Bellatrix had improved in her blowjobs.

But just, when I'm in the last part, my excitement to ejaculate… Bellatrix shamelessly stops … she looks at me with a sadistic smile and says "Husband … I can't let you ejaculate, why still … you haven't answered our question" saying while licking and kiss the tip of my member, but in each lick or kiss said a few words.

Obviously the impudence of these four girls, had risen to another level since we arrived in France and it is not that I care, clearly I am enjoying my sex life to the fullest.

A / N: This guy's thick face is unparalleled.

I focus on my magic and guide it throughout my body. Obviously this brother will take revenge on these four cheeky women and I will enjoy the process ... hahaha

With concentration and covertly I used my legendary technique, the hands of the void. Little by little and secretly so that the four women would not notice ... since they were very concentrated with their torture of sexual pleasure ...

I conducted my legendary technique, touching my girls' private parts in a light touch and as if stimulated the sound of a symphony orchestra. you could hear the melody of small, subtle moans here and there. The sound was very beautiful and exciting.

Slowly but subtly I start to use my left hand in the direction of Rita's lower and intimate part, with an incredibly fast movement, I move my hand at a fast and constant speed.

Rita gasped and said "Husband ... ha ... no ... no ... ha ... you can't do ... do this ..." She had the cheeky witch, right where she wanted her. Hehehe

With my right hand and a little flexibility I moved my hand towards the lower and intimate part of Andromeda, with a constant speed I moved my fingers and once that other times I pinched her clitoris.

"No ... ha ... ha ... no ... that's cheating ... ha ... Husband" says Andromeda with a gasp and excitement, while she kissed me even more intensely than before.

With a bit of focus, I telekinesically moved various invisible hands, towards Bellatrix's bottom and intimate part, moving my invisible fingers as if it were a vibrator.

Bellatrix in gasp and excitement commented "Ha ... Husband ... ha ... kyaa ... ha ... no ... you can ... ha ... do that ..." with an interesting thought or idea.


There was a loud slap in the room and a scream.

"KYAAAA! … Ha… no Husband…. ha ... no ... "says Bellatrix gasping and excited, she liked when he was harsh and sadistic with her, if Bella was a masochist with sadistic tendencies ...

A / N: lucky bastard..

Oh yeah, I'm going to slap your ass for being a naughty girl.


Hearing the sound of a variety of slaps, given that sometimes he slapped her hard and other times without force, hearing gasps and moans of arousal from Bellatrix.

Last but not least, I telekinesically moved various invisible hands towards Cissy and she particularly liked it when she was pinched, bitten or squeezed hard.

Moving my fingers with little force, with precise movements and with slow movements in the lower and intimate part of Cissy. You could hear the gasps and moans from Cissy. I command two invisible hands to touch and squeeze her butt, a form of massage.

I notice that there was someone at the door spying on us, with a smile I placed a protective and silent barrier in the shape of a dome, around the voyeur, the girls and me. He obviously knew who the voyeur was.

Little by little the intensity in the room increased ...

Let me tell you that the girls had their battle… with the dragon.

Another thing to say is that I won the battle, but I lost the war ...

To be continued in the next chapter ...

A / N: hi guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter ...

I wanted to dedicate this chapter to all the perverted bastards, who say they can't write an adult scene ...

Thanks for the support…