Chapter 41: Who Will Be the Champion?

Chapter 41: Who Will Be the Champion?

Hello friends, it's me, Max, your favorite fictional protagonist and I am currently in my private box. Waiting for my turn and I'll give you a summary of what has happened, until now:

The quarterfinals

1- Tatiana Alianovna Romanova vs Persephone Raptis. Winner; Persephone Raptis. This was a very close battle, where for a moment I thought Tatiana would win and yet Persephone at an unexpected and unforeseen moment, which no one imagined. He cast a powerful magic and left Tatiana stunned. Without giving it a chance, I finish it off with Desmaius and Won the duel..

2- Jack Ducan Hammer vs Maximillium Steven Dovahkiin. Winner; Maximillium Steven Dovahkiin. Obviously I won in a magnificent way, I will not go into detail and will only say that the turtle man, He was tired from fighting Elaterium.

Now making that clear, I'll give you a final summary of the tournament.

The duel for the third and fourth place.

Tatiana Alianovna Romanova vs Jack Ducan Hammer. Winner; Tatiana Alianovna Romanova. Oh yes, Tatiana was very angry about her defeat at the hands of Persephone and she unleashed all her fury on the poor turtle man Jack, I will not say more ... it was very painful to see ... but I will tell you, that she didn't want to anger Tatiana in the future…

The final for the championship

Persephone Raptis vs Maximillium Steven Dovahkiin. If the final is about to begin. Host Arman can be seen on the platform, ready to announce the last duel of the night and to declare who will be the champion of the Master-level world duel championship.

"WIZARDS AND WITCHES OF THE MAGIC WORLD! … I'M GLAD TO ANNOUNCE! … THE LAST DUEL OF THE NIGHT! … WHO WILL BE OUR CHAMPION ?! " says Arman very excited, he even used the spell to amplify his voice

CLAP, CLAP, CLAP! CLAP, CLAP, CLAP! Applause sound was heard from the audience


CLAP, CLAP, CLAP! CLAP, CLAP, CLAP! Applause sound

"NOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS DUEL! … LET'S GIVE WELCOME THE RED WITCH! ... PERSEPHONE RAPTIS! " says Arman excitedly, he was clearly excited and emotional in his announcement.

From the entrance, you could see a beautiful woman, who walked proudly and watched the audience with a smile. She was dressed in her famous dress, which consists of a beautiful traditional red kavai.

Red witch! … Red witch! … Red witch! … It was heard in an euphoric ovation from the audience and they were encouraged by their Greek champion.

Upon reaching the platform, he observes Arman, he smiles in a slightly excited way and says in an orderly tone "Arman, announce my opponent."

(Tsk, what a bitch, what is happening to the witches lately? Obviously I was going to announce it!) Thinks Armar and says to continue her words "LISTEN CAREFULLY!! … WHY SHOULD I ASK FOR YOUR HELP! … FOR INVOKE! … TO OUR CHAMPION! … THE TYRANT!"

Tyrant! … Tyrant! … Tyrant! ... You could hear the excited audience and it was clear that they were excited, for me to go out to fight again



Tyrant! … Tyrant! … Tyrant! … You could hear the excited audience


Tyrant! … Tyrant! … Tyrant! ...


Tyrant! … Tyrant! … Tyrant! … You could hear the excited audience and they were immediately seeing the sky or the platform looking for me.

Suddenly, you could hear the flutter of many things flying and when something became visible in the sky, it was a flock of 90 golden dragons. each of the golden dragons measured one meter and as if they were gathered on the platform, they began to crowd into one part of the platform. Little by little a golden light enveloped that part of the platform, where little by little it began to shrink and leaving the silhouette of a man, who said something out loud; breaking the silence and suspense of the place. "It's my turn!"

Tyrant! … Tyrant! … Tyrant! … You could hear the excited audience.

While on the platform I observe the euphoric audience and immediately raise my fist in the air and order my Patronum to roar loudly.



Tyrant! … Tyrant! … Tyrant! … You could hear the excited audience.

With a smile I look at my opponent, although the mature woman in front of me was between 38 and 40 years old, was very beautiful and well preserved, it was obvious that she took great care of her body.

"Are you ready, Miss Raptis?" I ask him with a smile on my face.

"I was born prepared for everything, but you are the champion and you are you ready. Why did you spend so much magic on that shocking and spectacular entrance? Persephone says with a confident smile.

"Don't worry, this champion has unlimited stamina!" I say with a hint and a wink. Oh yeah, he was flirting with Persephone.

A / N: Bastard, you can't control your hormones.

"Hmm, that's the good thing to be young, they always have a lot of stamina and virility" says Persephone licking his lips in a sexual way and with double meaning in his words.

"My virility and resistance can last for days without stopping, beautiful Miss Raptis" I tell her in a flirtatious way and I roll my eye,

"Oh, you will make me blush Champion" says Persephone in a very flirtatious tone.

"That's the idea, beautiful Lady" I say with a smile and a wink.

"Oh Mr. Champion! If you keep flirting with me, I can devour you slowly and with pleasure "says Persephone licking her lips in a very sexy way.

Host Arman was in a corner of the platform, copying all my flirting lines and it was obvious that he would use them in the future, to flirt with some single witch.

A / N: Ahem… Arman save me a copy… cough.

"I'm just a man of muscle, flesh and blood, you can do whatever you want with my body, beautiful lady" I tell him with a flirtatious smile and a wink.

Aberforth, who was watching this dramatic flirting scene from the corner and says "ahem, Arman announces the duel."

Our host Arman was so intent on writing in his notebook that when he noticed Aberforth's words and replied in a dazed way "Ehh? … Ahh! … Oh yeah! … I already announce it… haha ​​"

"Now to witness this final fight! Our dear referee! Aberforth Dumbledore! " says Arman excitedly.

Aberforth walks up to the middle platform between us and says "I want an honorable and fair duel, you can only win the duel by stunning, wounding or your opponent admitting defeat, and you cannot kill the opponent, Understood."

Persephone and I answer "yes / yes"

We both present our wands, in keeping with the tradition of dueling. I measured a half turn and walked the ten steps, then I turned around and looked into the pretty eyes of my opponent, but I winked at her and while she was looking at me with great battle intent.

"When the bell rings, the duel starts," says Arman.

Ting, Ting!

With a smile I cast the spell , from the tip of my wand a powerful blast of wind spirals out towards Persephone and she takes several stones with telekinesis throwing it in various directions, but simultaneously applies the spell .

I was able to count a total of 11 rocks 4 meters wide and tall, directed at me from various different angles and 5 of them were descending from the sky, two were coming from the front. Two came from my left and two came from my right, I could see that one of the rocks hits with my spell , destroying itself and turning to dust.

I also notice that Raptis uses the spell , where she appears at a safe distance behind me and preventing me from escaping or waiting for me with her wand to finish me off.

With a smile on my face, I point my wand into the air, casting the spell and from the tip of my wand, thousands of jets of red and gold sparks shoot out at different angles. Without leaving any blind angle.

CATAPUM! ZAAASSSSSS! PUM! ZAS! BAM! Rumble and Explosion Sound

The sound of impact with the rocks could be heard and even in the barrier of stands the public, it was not spared from the powerful impacts.

It got to such a point, that a large amount of dust could be observed on the platform and it was a dense dust mist. Right at that moment, a voice could be heard that broke the momentary silence after the explosions and said "".

Oh yeah, while Persephone was distracted by seeing my spell, I teleported behind her and cast the Desmaius spell on her, she tried to defend herself, but. I was very close to her and my spell reached her at high speed impacting with her body.

Out of delicacy or consideration for being a woman, I cast the spell and a light immediately shot out at high speed towards the ground, softening it.

With little concentration and some modification of the spell, I cast a small whirlwind to dispel the dust.

Soon the platform became perfectly visible, where you could see the platform to Persephone on the ground and me standing, arms crossed. Oh yes I win this World Championship again.

Aberforth walks over to observe Persephone unconscious and declares "The winner of this duel is Maximillium Steven Dovahkiin"

"Oh for Merlin! … The tyrant! … He did it again! … Won! … Won! "

Tyrant! … Tyrant! … Tyrant! … You could hear the excited audience.

"Our Champion! … Undefeated! … invincible! … Maximillium Steven Dovahkiin! … The tyrant!" Arma says with great enthusiasm.

With a smile I raise the fists of both arms in the air and order my Patronum to roar with great force and tyranny.


Tyrant! … Tyrant! … Tyrant! … You could hear the excited audience.

With a smile I apply magic to my Patronum, it comes out from the ground where I am standing flying towards the sky and roaring with a great roar,


While an audience watched his legend, he invited to leave, as if he were a mythical and invincible being ...

The next chapter will continue

A / N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter.