Chapter 49: Bad News and An Untold Story

Chapter 49: Bad News and An Untold Story

Hello friends, it is me, Max, your favorite fictional protagonist and I am currently in an office at the Gringotts, receiving bad news.

"How did that happen?" I ask him in a serious tone, if there was something that bothered me, It was the fact that they interrupted my fun and I don't know if it was because of my dragon trait, but it made me moody and irritated.

The old goblin knew about the change in my temperament and why the room turned cold, but he quickly tells me "Young tyrant, they are those vampires who are coveting your fortune and your business. Last night they attacked two shipments of magic herbs and took him away, the administrator of that area, wanted to negotiate an agreement through money, but they rejected it ".

"How much galleons did we lose in merchandise?" he asked in a serious tone.

The old Gornuk with a sigh, tells me "347,000,000G in magic herbs, with those magic herbs we thought-out making various potions and we were going to take the market with other potions of the Dovahkiin chain, but among those herbs was him main ingredient of the werewolf annihilating potion "

"I want you to bring me paper and a pencil, then I want you to ask me for a travel permit to Transylvania and Russia, I think I'm going to hunt vampires" I say with a grumpy tone.

The old goblin knew that I would kill that community of vampires, it was because my temperament was violent when the need required it and it would not be good, for the most lethal man in the world to make a move, because it would be a one-sided slaughter. But there were people who did not know the immensity of the skies or did not know that there are people, who should not be provoked, but the fate of the vampires is already cast in the great fortune wheel of destiny. His name is Max the Tyrant Dragon.

"Well, I'll have all the procedures ready for you within 4 hours"

"Get me, one or two extra permits," I say, as I close my eyes.

"Okay," says old Gornuk as he leaves the room.

When left alone in the room, I focused on my magical wedding ring, which is an artifact, that I create myself for my wives and myself. That he had the purpose of communicating no matter where we are and also if something happened, he could teleport me to where my wives were.

"Bellatrix, you want to hunt vampires" I ask her

"Of course, I am and I'm already packing my bags, my Husband" says Bellatrix, it was obvious that he wanted to go and kill a couple of vampires, so far there were things that Bellatrix had in common with his counterpart from the movie. that was, she enjoyed killing people, torturing them and a new one, having sex with me.

"Do any of my other wives want to go hunt vampires?" I ask with a smile

"No honey, we are with Grandma Perenelle, she is teaching us a magical stew and we plan to cook it for you," Andromeda replies.

"How long will it take?" asks Narcissa

"From 4 to 5 days maximum" I reply

"Okay, you can go and give the sisters time to rest, also be prepared, because when you come back, we have to give a couple of grandchildren to Grandma Perenelle" says Narcissa, obviously she blamed me, for her sleepless nights and everything now was my fault, it is difficult to understand women. Even with the library the path to magic is difficult, but it is something I enjoy and it is why it makes me feel alive.

"Well then, I say goodbye my beloved wives" I tell them

"Take care, darling and come back soon " says Andromeda

"We love you and come back soon, my husband" Says Rita

"Come back soon to have our children and take care of yourself in your vampire hunt" says Narcissa

"Be very careful, husband, Russia is deep and evil territory" says Tatiana

"Don't worry, it will be a piece of cake and I'll be back quickly" I tell them with a smile.

Soon when I finished communicating with my wives, I closed my eyes and meditated, waiting for Bellatrix, also the documents.

Tatiana's point of view

Hello, my name is Tatiana Alianovna Dovahkiin née Romanova and I was born in Russia on July 5, 1952, from a marriage between a witch and a Muggle. My mother wanted to have a child, but she didn't want any magical noblemen to take her child from her and bewitched a muggle with a love potion, where we were born twins.

My mother killed our father, fulfilling her purpose to get her pregnant and she began to raise us, we soon turned 7 years old. But sadly, my sister was a squib and my mother didn't like that, so she gave her up for adoption in an orphanage. Soon my days turned gray, because I realized that my mother was a heartless witch and little by little, she began to train me in the magical arts, but as time passed, I turned 13 years old.

Where my mother had decided me to marry a pig and was unwilling to accept this union, I told her what I thought, so we discuss that day. Soon I did not hear from my mother for a while, until I found out that the pig I was trying to marry killed her and raped her, I thought it was a good thing.

Soon, I was able to visit the orphanage where my sister was and we talked, but the world did not want that be happy, because a few days later my sister was adopted. Try to find out who it was and I found it was a ghost family, I feared the worst for my sister. Since while researching I discovered terrible things and was soon captured by the pig that killed my mother.

Apparently I wanted to sacrifice myself in black ritual when, I was 15 years old and I needed my purity intact.

As if it were something magical, the prince of my world arrived and broke into the place, killing every living being in the building, he rescued me and 100 other women.

A young man, I figured he was 17 and had a cold look in his eyes, but he was beautiful to me. I soon found out that his name was Maximillium Dovahkiin and he was hired by the Russian ministry, to find the 100 women who were captured and kidnapped.

Maximillium was a young man, with three faces; one for his enemies, another that he used daily and the last one was his face, it was the one he showed to friends and family. Maximillium was a vain man, proud and did not trust anyone. he always wore a gold or jewelery garment and found it to be a dragon family trait.

I soon followed her, until the 1969 Russian World Dueling Championships and yes, he may think I was a stalker, but you can't blame me, for wanting to know more about the man I fell in love with.

He was like a drug, that I needed and the more I knew the more I fell in love with him. But Maximillium, he had such great ambitions that he never turned to see me and seeing him in tournament, crush each of his opponents. I realized that Maximillium was someone very tyrant and with a self-sufficient personality, who did not like to depend on others, I found that trait of him adorable.

Maximillium was driving me her crazy with love, he was too adorable, cute and silly. Not wanting he to see me as a weak witch, I started training like crazy and little by little, the next tournament came, where with effort I classified among the 16 best, but I cannot have a duel with Max.

Frustrated, I tried to sneak into his naked room, where he just looked at me with interest for a moment and then threw me a sheet with telekinesis, where he told me that he wasn't interested in any woman until his family's family tradition ended.

I happily talked to him, all night long and time seemed to stop, but when we realized it was morning. He left and I found out that he had to travel the world training for 3 years. To pass the time got a hobby, he spends his time capturing criminals or studying magical history.

Soon another year passed, I went to the world duel championship to see it and where it was time, I was able to have a duel with my Max. But I was relentlessly defeated, I felt sad and since, I wanted to show him, that I was witch powerful, strangely enough, he sneaks into my room to cheer me up. I immediately tried to seduce him and steal his first kiss, although I did not know much about the subject of kisses from experience, but my mother had many books on kisses.

It was nice to see him embarrassed by my kiss and escaping from the room. Yes, Maximillium looked tough on the outside and with great character, but if you could melt that crust out of him then he was cute and adorable.

I soon found out that my Max's family was murdered and massacred, but he was forbidden to return until his test and tradition ended. In frustration, my Max began hunting criminals left and right, no criminal was safe from his wrath. I cautiously tracked him down hotel and I found him drunk, where I comforted my Max throughout the night. I didn't do anything grown-up, i just hugged him and it was good for Max, because he happily gave me a kiss.

I was very happy that he took the initiative to kiss me, then he ran away ashamed of me again and it was very funny to watch. Cute and adorable, but funny to watch.

Soon another year passed, I did not see my Max again and I did not hear from him, in months, but I knew, that I would see him again at the world dueling championship in France.

I soon battled multiple people in endless rounds and qualified in the top 16 where I knew my Max had a guaranteed place as champion. Soon I bribed a goblin, who told me where my dear Max was and with a smile, I went to see him, but my Max had matured. He looked more mature and happier, for a moment I panicked. Why did I discover that my Max married a witch, but I quickly discovered that it was 4 witches and I noticed that it could be the fifth, since Max did not stop my advances in seducing him.

Soon 2 women passed into the room, his wife Andromeda and Narcissa, now you will wonder my surprise, when they looked at me as if I were a friend or comrade. Soon they kidnapped me and asked me many questions, where one of his wives named Rita proposed to seduce him, so that he would accept me as one of his wives.

Now you wonder, why these four women looked at me as if I were a friend or a comrade, well it turns out: that my Max, is a dragon in bed and is insatiable, she hardly gives the girls rest. Because he wants to have sex every night.

This trait of him impressed me because it was surely a trait of his family.

Soon the girls wanted to show me how insatiable my Max was and they went to his private box, where they did a lot of mischief, but only woke up the sleeping dragon. I watched as my Max took out all his lust on his wives and I honestly wanted to join in, but wanted my first night with him. he was mine and only mine, because I didn't want to share it with anyone that night.

When I came to France, I had brought all my belongings and why I knew would go with him, living with my Max is like living with a dormant volcano. Wherever you do stimulate it, you will have an eroding volcano of pation and Max is a passionate, caring and loving man. I am lucky to have met him and my sisters. We fight every night with him, in a sexual way, sometimes loving, sometimes wild, sometimes passionate, sometimes mischievous. My sisters and I have planned with Grandma Perenelle to have her children. I'm sure Max will be a good father and an overprotective father.

N / A: this is the story of how Tatiana met our MC.

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