
Chapter 4

Olive POV:

As soon as I had gotten home from the alley I immediately ran upstairs to get a shower. I couldn't help it, my thoughts had not stopped thinking about where I knew that man from. Sean? I really have no idea where I know him from.

I hopped into bed and cleared my mind of the thoughts. I'd probably never see him again anyway. Soon enough the darkness took over me.

I have to get ready for school today. I rinsed off and wrapped my wrist due to spraining it during my fight a couple days ago. Most people in the local gangs around here know who I am and give me offers to join them. I always deny the offers. I try to stay out of danger the best I can.

I shoot down the stairs and look at the clock, "Fuck, I'm late!" I shouted as I sprinted out the door with my backpack on one shoulder.

I started sprinting to school but as I passed the fanciest hotel I ran into a wall. Who the hell puts a wall in the middle of the sidewalk? No you dumbass it's a person.

I looked up to see the same guy as last night with another guy around the same age. "Well damn. What do you guys eat? You're fucking huge," I said.

The one I recognized chuckled while the other just stared at me. I snapped my fingers in his face, "Look man, I'm sorry for running into you, but I've really got to go." I said, "And you? Don't make me catch you killing someone again or you'll be next." I then gripped onto my backpack and started running to the school right across the street.

I ran into school and walked into the office. I saw my favorite person sitting at the secretary desk. Mr. Caldwell. He's the secretaries husband and my history teacher. "Hey chica! What's up!" He said with a genuine smile.

"I got kidnapped by pirates. That's why I'm late," I said out of breath.

I heard a couple chuckles over my shoulder but ignored them.

"Well Olive, that sounds like a very reasonable answer, I'll get my wife to get you a pass."

I sighed as I turned around to see three humungous guys standing there. "Hello!" one said with too much energy for a Tuesday morning.

"Hello." I said with a yawn.

"Those pirates tire you out?" the other said with a smirk.

I still hadn't heard anything from the biggest one. He was just standing there with no emotion slipping through his mask.

"Yeah. Make sure you guys steer clear. Those pirates won't hesitate to throw you to the alligators. I had to swim for miles." I spoke with a laugh.

"Oh yeah. That one ocean in Chicago." the one said with a laugh, "I'm Roman. This is Lorenzo, and this one i-"

"Romeo. Nice to meet ya," he said while giving me a smile.

I mumbled under my breath, "How much coffee do you guys drink?"

The biggest one whos name I believe is Lorenzo burst out laughing. I don't know why but the fact that I made him laugh made me smile.

"OLIVE! HERE'S YOUR PASS!" Mr. Caldwell yelled playfully.

I walked up to him and snatched it. I began to walk out the door when he asked, "Did you do your Math homework?!"


"Hey! Watch your language," He said, "Don't worry about your homework! I did it for you!"

He raised a sheet of paper in the air. I looked at him and smiled relieved. "THANK YOU!"

I snatched the paper and ran out of the office with my pass and homework. I ran through my math teachers door. All eyes were on me with a livid Ms. Green glaring at me. "You know Karen if you'd stop glaring maybe you could find a guy. Or a hookup, looks like you need one. And you should stop drooling over Mr. Caldwell, he's too young for you. You're like 50." I said.


She opened the door and walked through the hallway with me following. We made it to the office with a woman standing with the three guys before. "MRS. CLAIRMONT I HAVE A STUDENT THAT NEEDS DISCIPLINED!"

I pulled a piece of gum out of my pocket and said, "You should brush your teeth. And don't worry, if you need help with those wrinkles just ask Mrs. Caldwell, she looks like she's 18! You know, that's probably why Mr. Caldwell married her! I bet she brushed her teeth too! Their whiter then the name Conner!" I heard the boys I'd met earlier bust out laughing.

Mrs. Clairmont the principle came out of her office. When she saw me she sighed. "This is a new record Mrs. Davison."

"It's a pleasure to see you too Mrs. C!"


I looked at her and went up by her ear, "I suggest you get me out of this if you don't want me to tell Mr. Caldwell about you making out with his picture during class. I'm pretty sure Mrs. Caldwell would tear your ass up."

She paled as I smiled. "Nevermind Mrs. Clairmont. She's an angel. I've got the wrong student."

She ran out the office door not bothering to look back. "Thank you Olive!" Principle C said, "I swear I was on the verge of firing her."

"That was fucking cool!" Roman said as the woman on his right looked at me with tears forming in her eyes.