john got the children to a place torest while he talked to xu wang li , xu wang li "thank you for saving us ,sir"
john "yeah ,no problem , who are these people and why are they going after you"
xu wang li was a little apprehensive about telling these to john but she told him in the end "they are people of fu family of west fort city"
john " west fort city where is that" john was surprised to here that there a city nearby and people.
xu wang li said a little embarrassed "I don't know where it I and the people of the xu family were relocating when they attacked us and the big explosion happened I didn't know where am I I just found the kids and after a while that group of fu family soldiers found us while running we found the xu family in battle with the fu family they send a rescue team and we couldn't stay there because of the children, so I took them and ran until we got here"
john "do you know where the two are fighting maybe the battle is over or ended in a tie since there no reinforcement for the fu family, we will go after the children and you take some rest"
xu wang li " thank you, sir" john going downstairs to get rid of the bodies and makes food doesn't know about the look xu wang li giving him even if he , he would be shocked because it's a strange one if john could see himself in the mirror he would see a beggar like person tattered clothes rotten smell and sticky black stuff and dried up blood.
After the children got up and eaten they went to find the place of the to armies,after a while they found where the two armies were; but before they could go to the xu family BANG
a huge explosion happen in the sky and a huge rift opened in the sky.
john "children run to the xu family camp now"
before john could run a huge crack opened in the ground and another rift opened underneath John's feet,john "shit..."the last thing john said before getting sucked in the rift and the rift closed after.
xu wang li "senior!!!!"
writer note
sorry for not writing got cut up in college
I hope you like the chapter
thanks :)