Chapter 2 - It Begins

At early dawn, Takumi was greeted with a furry slap to the face, "time to get up, we only have a short way to go to get to the village," Ichika said, "You'll eat your breakfast while we walk."

Takumi pouted and said, "ugh, give me another hour, my beautiful body needs more rest time." Ichika got a devilish plan and said with a smile.

"Suit yourself sir," then she went outside and turned the ice house into water, drenching Takumi.

"You evil cat woman! What kind of way to wake up your saviour is that!?" He shouted in rage. Ichika couldn't hold her amusement and toppled over from the laughing.

"Th- the sooner you get up the sooner you start training," she said with her words hindered from laughter. Then Takumi got up and set off to the village following in Ichika's footsteps.

After about an hour's journey through the colourful forest which he learned was called the Hallow Forest, accompanied by more pranks from Ichika, they reached the village.

It was very advanced for a village. The flat grassy area had high rising stone buildings and a really tall building in the centre, taking a brief moment to examine to village, he could see the many creatures that couldn't possibly exist on his world. Many balls of glowing gold light flew through the air which turned into people covered in golden glitter, a large, foot-like shadow blocked out the sun as it stepped over them indicating a giant and the many other beings that had pointed, hanging ears and even humanoid creatures who resembled animals, the entire land was a land of myths.

"I guess that's where the village head stays," said Takumi pointing at a colossal building sitting in the centre of the village.

"You got that right," replied Ichika, "and we're gonna meet him right now."

As they approached Takumi thought, "if villages looked like this, I don't want to see any cities."

When they entered the building they were stopped by guards, then they heard the sound of sandals clapping the ground followed by a rough voice. "Ah it seems your hero has arrived, good job Ichika," said a rather short man with a brown beard and long brown hair.

"Thank you sensei," said Ichika while bowing, Takumi snickered due to the fact that he was seeing a cat bow down to a man.

"Now tell me about you young man," said the village head, "I'm Lancelot Orametan by the way." Takumi introduced himself with his signature arrogant flair and Ichika rolled her eyes in the background.

"…Well sir I've heard quite enough, you shall have a meal and your training will start right after, we have not a moment to lose." Said Lancelot interrupting Takumi.

He liked the sound of meal and was soon greeted with a large table of food that had an uncanny resemblance to the meals of his home world including roasted pork, ramen with grilled beef, chicken, wine and many others, Takumi's heart jumped. Without even bothering to ask what the ingredients came from, he dug in saying, "at least this world has food as good as back home."

After half an hour of lavish feasting the time for Takumi's training was upon him, he followed Ichika and the village head out to a training ground created by the village head's earth dragon force "Ichika dear, you cannot possibly hope to train our new hero in that feline form right?" Lancelot asked.

"Oh yeah you're right," replied Ichika.

She took a deep breath and a cold mist surrounded her body. When the mist dispersed, there was no cat to be seen except a tall, light skinned young girl with flowing white hair and white eyes, she had a beautiful jaw line and a small waist, she wore a white sarashi and some loosely fitting pants which worked well with her medium but plump sized body.

"Well then, I can safely say I like your human form better than the cat, your beauty is almost on par with mine." Said Takumi.

But in an instant Ichika was behind his back and gave him overhead throw leaving him unable to move, "I take that back, they're both evil!" He shouted.

"Less swooning more training."

"Wait!" Shouted Takumi in fear, "you said this is so I can use Ryū no chikara right? So how will I know when I've manifested it?"

Ichika smiled and replied, "oh, you'll know when your dragon mark appears."

Then she closed her eyes and a large wave of energy surrounded her and a sky blue hydra with snowflakes on it appeared from her shoulder to her wrist on both hands, then she drew her sword saying, "let's turn up your training."

Takumi got up looking determined and ready to fight, he had absolutely no experience in fighting but he tried his best to look tough. Ichika smiled devilishly and swung her sword and a cold gale shot Takumi across the field, he looked up at the sky and saw Ichika jumping down on him with pure intent to kill, he quickly shifted to the side to evade her attack but unfortunately she was getting faster and faster.

He managed to grab her katana by the blade which sliced open his palm, he gave Ichika a punch to her face with all of his strength which made her fly off without her sword.

"Good, you're getting more agile, a sign that your dragon will be strong, she said wiping the blood from her face, but you'll need more skill than that," she stretched out her arm and her dragon mark shone in a bright light.

「Shimo no haka!」 (Ice pillar) a large pillar of ice emerged from the katana and encased Takumi.

Ichika walked over, took back her sword and said looking disappointed, "Well kid it looks like you won't be getting your mark anytime soon."

Unbeknownst to either of them, the Dragon Force from that attack invaded Takumi's body, and it was of sufficient amout to trigger a transformation inside him.

As she walked off, a magnificent surge of energy erupted from Takumi's body and the ice shattered, the pressure from him caused Ichika to fall to the ground. He walked out with glowing purple eyes and a purple dragon mark with moons on it running down his hands.

"Well then, it looks like I was wrong, you have a lot of potential kid." Ichika said with a smile.

Takumi looked even more satisfied in his existence and asked what was the next step, the village head stepped down from where he was watching and told Takumi that all he had left to do was to develop his Dragon Spirit Weapon and then become one with his dragon, Takumi calmed his Ryū no chikara and followed Lancelot and Ichika to the dragon spirit chamber.

They entered the room and Takumi looked around in amazement, they walked up to an alter that had carvings of two dragons, one around the sun and one around two moons, and a red crystal orb floating above it.

"Place your hand on the orb and release all your Ryū no chikara." Lancelot adviced.

Takumi followed his instructions and placed his hand on the orb and released his energy, his dragon mark began to glow a bright purple and a dark purple aura surrounded him, the orb shot out a bright light and Takumi was flung off.

He, Lancelot and Ichika looked up and saw an ōdachi: a Japanese sword with a blade about 90.91 cm long with a purple blade with the characters moon, water and earth close to the guard and it's sheath next to it. The weapon floated to Takumi and his mark resonated with it, he then took the sword and slung it across his back looking pleased.

"Now all that's left is to do is become one with your dragon, but we'll save that for tomorrow," said Lancelot. Takumi took his advice then went to his newly given living quarters and waited on the next day.