Chapter 9 - New Addition

"Why you of all people?!" It seemed like just the sight of Takumi made Misao angry, he slowly walked closer to see if she was really there and asked how she got there.

Then came a story about how right after she pushed him into the water she walked home in a rage and was hit by an oil truck which exploded after.

"That still doesn't explain why you're here though." said Takumi, flopping onto the floor.

Luna, who was staying silent while observing Misao, noticed her arms. "um, Takumi take a look." she said while pointing.

Misao's arms were tattooed with a dragon mark, with bright yellow and orange colour and a pattern of the sun running across it.

"What are you looking at kid?" Misao asked disrespectfully, Luna flared up and attempted to attack her but was told to calm down by Takumi, which she happily obliged.

Misao caught on as to why interest was taken in her arms and explained all that transpired from the time she arrived until now.

"After I got blown up I was shocked that I didn't die and found myself inside that throne room after seeing some golden light, with that queen bitch standing over me laughing," she explained. "I was asking what was up and the next thing I know that bitch punches me and so I got pissed and started to fight, Then this thing appeared and I felt like a god. The End."

Luna deduced that the demon queen might have wanted her to manifest her dragon mark but couldn't find a reason why.

A faint sniffle followed by a loud cry was heard from a dark corner of the jail.

Every one in the space was shocked as the presence was perfectly hidden the whole time they spoke.

A short, pale girl with brown tresses walked out shedding tears, her broad face and wide eyes scrunched while she cried and her small voice desperately held back the sounds. Misao said she had forgotten about the other prisoner and introduced her as Aegis and as the small girl stepped closer and closer into the small light source, a small horn on the left side of her head poking through her brown hair and a leaf dragon mark on her right arm.

"I'm a half demon, Or half dragon host," Said Aegis as she wiped her tears, Luna was confused and asked for a more clear explanation, Takumi took a seat next to Misao but she glared at him and got up.

Everyone in the jail took a seat while Aegis went on with her story. She told them that the old king and the demon queen were her parents, she went on telling that her mother's name was Urusla and that she didn't become possessed, she was Kotsukuo's child and that's why she's a half demon half dragon host.

Misao had a finger twisting in her ear as she had heard this story before but Luna and Takumi were absolutely dumbfounded.

"I think we should get out of here," he said with closed eyes and Aegis got the idea that she could use the demon power she had to bypass the jade bars and let them out.

"Please stand back," she fearfully advised, "I don't want to hurt any of you," Luna and Takumi quickly stepped back but Misao couldn't care less.

"Just hurry up and bust us out." she said.

Aegis was slightly shocked but she understood the importance and began to focus, her horn began to grow slightly longer and a red aura surrounded her. Takumi and Luna could both feel their dragon force being rapidly drained and pulled back Misao, as she was showing serious signs of fatigue then the bars suddenly shook and turned to dust, Aegis fell to her knees, panting.

"No time to waste now," said Misao, who had seemed to instantly regained her stamina while throwing Aegis over her shoulder, they all ran at full speed without a single look back but oddly, there were no guards chasing them.

Five minutes of running and no turns led them to a solid wall.

"Looks like we're at a dead end," Luna pointed out but Misao put on a psychotic smile and activated her dragon force, a massive hole was blasted through the wall and they jumped through.

They landed in the east castle town where this entire ordeal began and where Takumi took the wheel and told Misao about the village and would lead them there, but he wanted to look for Ichika first, gladly, she landed on his head in her cat form.

"Sounds like you missed me." she said while pulling his ear.

Takumi felt a genuine happiness flow through him which made Luna more jealous and Misao suspicious. They frantically said goodbye to Nashua during the haste, who was still next to the hole, Takumi sliced open the forcefeild once more and they were home free.

The pace was slowed and Aegis decided to walk on her own, she was then properly introduced to Ichika. As they walked the familiar path to the village Ichika and Takumi took another step closer in their relationship, she found herself being better able to look past his arrogance and see that he was a genuine person who had real feelings for her but she was still sceptical and Takumi wasn't rushing.

An hour later they were at the foot of Shisui Mountain, Misao asked about the mountain and Ichika got an idea, she suggested that Takumi take both Aegis and Misao up the mountain so they could start cultivating their dragon force, he agreed with this and they went up.

At the summit, Misao and Aegis were laid flat on the floor, breathing heavily. Ichika took them on her shoulders into the cave where the healing lake was located, Takumi questioned what the reason was for bringing them there. He then learned that there was an ore in the walls that could be used to make a dragon spirit weapon and was asked to help dig, he gently pushed Ichika aside and used an earth dragon technique to find the ore.

Regaining her stamina, Misao grabbed the rock and observed it.

"Put your dragon force into that," Ichika ordered, "and then you, Aegis."

Misao complied and a few seconds later she held a long, golden scythe masterfully ornamented with markings of the sun along with the characters representing fire, sun and air on the orange blade.

Aegis also received a dragon spirit weapon despite her having jade demon energy, it was a green ceremonial bow according to her leaf dragon force which utilized her demon side's energy to create energy arrows and also served the purpose to keep the demon side of her in check. After that they both took the necessary steps in becoming a true dragon hosts (slightly faster than it took Takumi) and set off once more for the village.