Chapter 12 - Another Journey Huh?

The morning arrived with a beautiful sun and Takumi arose, still snuggled in Luna's arms, the warmth of her body made him feel as if he was wrapped in a thick towel.

Takumi yawned and slowly moved from under Luna's embrace, taking a glance at her face he could see her smooth face had a wide, cute smile on it and felt the need to lay a loving kiss on her forehead.

"She must be thinking about last night," he thought arrogantly as he did exactly that and went on to tackle the day.

He took a short bath in the small room used for cleaning up then put on a simple robe. After contemplating on whether or not he should prepare a meal, a knock was heard on the door which sounded as if the person knocking was rather hesitant, with Luna still asleep naked on the bed Takumi slowly opened the door trying his best not to wake her.

To his pleasurable surprise, it was Ichika, who was blushing slightly, she didn't have on her usual warrior attire but instead she wore a small pink dress with sequins that fit her a bit loosely and exposed a small area of her luscious breasts.

"Oh my dear, what can I help you with?" Takumi asked while beaming but her attention was divided as she glimpsed through the small space between Takumi's arm and saw the nude Luna sleeping peacefully while her already wide smile grew wider.

"Um…I…the ah," Ichika stuttered helplessly as her skin from head to waist blushed in a deep pink colour from pure embarrassment. After Takumi got suspicious and brought her to her senses she gave a message that the village head needed to see them.

The two left Takumi's living area headed straight for the main building, the short distance felt unusually long due to the fact that Ichika would hardly say anything at all to Takumi or even look him in the eye, but they were soon inside the building and walked on to main hall where Lancelot usually resided. They met up with Lancelot along with Misao and Aegis who were playing around and greeted them.


While across the village, Luna just woke up from her reminiscent dream.

"Takumi?" She asked aloud while slightly shivering from her bare body coming in contact with the rather cool air.

Takumi's absence was realized and she took the chance to snoop around to get a clearer view of what her new found partner was like.

The room which was of about the same size of a medium complex apartment was kept quite clean, the narcissism he was well known for came out clearly in the many paintings of himself which looked like they were personally made.

As Luna took a bath her thoughts brought her to the enjoyable love making that took place the night before which gave her the uncontrollable desire to have his rod inside her once more making her heart race at incredible an speed that led to her beginning a sensual masturbating session to satisfy her overflowing libido. She achieved two leg shaking orgasms before she clothed herself and went to find her group.

Luna found the others in the head building which her intuition prompted her to check first.

"Oh, now that everyone is present we can start our discussion," Lancelot acknowledged.

Takumi's stomach growled and he asked about breakfast along with stating his feel for chicken, everyone in the room looked utterly confused besides Misao who snickered.

"Chicken? What's that?" Aegis queried, Misao's laughing grew louder as Takumi's face darkened.

She took him aside and calmed her amusement. "it's griffin meat, stupid," she whispered, "it's a four legged bird and it's really huge, these people here don't have the same animals we did."

Hearing that, poor Takumi thought back to all the massive feasts he had since he came to this world, the many cuts of meat he chowed down without even considering what they might be gave him a sense of nausea.

"I'm skipping breakfast today," he stated as he walked back towards the crowd.

"Well, now that's settled," Lancelot spoke while clapping his hands, "let's get into the meat of the matter," hearing the word meat after that shocking realization made Takumi practically turn green.

As Ichika asked what the matter was, Aegis explained that the spies that were sent into the demon kingdom were found out and slaughtered giving them a dilemma of gaining information. She then explained that they would need to go out and find Luna's old clan members, since they were the oldest recorded dragon hosts and get some more ideas on how to fight off the jadeite demons, even more so to the fact that the last piece of information told them about a demon raid that was on the horizon.

Mixed reactions filled the room after that statement, Takumi was speechless for who knows what reason, Misao was hyped up about more fighting in the future while Luna and Ichika looked determined.

"We'll take on this challenge just as we did the last ones," Takumi vouched, "but…I suddenly feel the need to educate myself about this world, is there any way I can do that?"

Lancelot felt very pleased with the young man due to the fact that he had a teacher embedded in his soul since birth, he gave Aegis the order to prepare the others for the journey while he and Takumi went to the library after which they parted ways.

A walk down the luxurious hallway led them to a great room, laden with books as far as the eye could see.

"Please state what you would like to learn about," Lancelot seemed to have transformed from formal to mega-formal in the small space of time, a pair of spectacles were even on his broad nose which seemed to have magically appeared.

After Takumi got over Lancelot's transformation he spoke about wanting to learn about all the creatures in this world and instantly a large book floated towards him.

"H…how the hell?!" He asked fearfully, Lancelot grinned and replied telling him that dragon force wasn't the only source of power in the land but many others which were unique to each different species.

Takumi took a seat and went through the book, about an hour of continuous reading accompanied by Lancelot's profound explanations added more root to the conclusion of all the creatures in this world being of a mythical nature. Not even the insects reminded him of his home world, the variety of flying beasts such as griffins, pegasus and massive birds made him miss chicken a great deal.

There seemed to be many others who took on a humanoid form such as sphinx, who were known to kill persons who could not solve their riddles and even elven beings from the fairy tales. He continued to read until he reached a part in the book which seemed to be on a being called Gaia but the pages of the chapter were blank.

Feeling highly educated he took in a breath of fresh air and a yawn, he fell asleep right in the library.