Chapter 15 - Learn

Aiko and Takumi watched attentively as Misao took several trips back and forth from the main village to the forest, gathering materials to build a camp.

"How'd something this big fit in here?" Takumi asked as he looked up the high rising waterfall flowing from an icy cliff, wntering the lake that formed from the running water and taking a drink from the falls.

Aiko responded telling him that it was possible to make a dimension that can hold anything as long as it has enough power supplied as in the case of this safe haven, the meteorite provided enough power to keep it from collapsing and in turn hold all of this.

They were left alone for a while as Misao made her last trip for materials and the cold water made Aiko feel a sense of lust, more so now that she was alone in the presence of her crush.

"Why don't you come join me?" She slid down one side of her jumper exposing her seductive back, Takumi was caught in her sexual web and stepped into the water.

Holding her waist firmly he began kissing her neck, she let out a lustful breath as she lifted her head upwards, making her glasses fall down slightly. She found herself moving her hands behind her and grabbing him in the groin, she gasped as his large size stopped her from forming a complete fist.

An abrupt clattering of wood startled the two, disrupting their plans. Takumi swiftly turned around frightened, hitting Aiko who then took a splashing fall landing flat on her face.

"What's going on here?" Misao asked with a look of suspicion as she dropped the rest of her wood planks with the others she had already brought.

Takumi concocted an arrogant lie about he was just granting Aiko the luxury of his attention and she, who was just getting up searching for her glasses which had fallen from her face, had to just play along.

Misao shrugged and gestured Takumi to help set up camp, he found Aiko's glasses in a shallow area of the lake and put them back on her face then went to do Misao's bidding.

They built a small hut out of the materials provided in a short time.

"Surprisingly sturdy," Misao boasted as she knocked the structure, "okay, let's get down to business, get over here Aiko."

The three were gathered and Misao asked what were the limits of Aiko's healing scale, "Well, as long as there's water around I can heal almost anything." she replied while wringing out her hair.

Misao seemed pleased to hear that and then turned her attention to Takumi, telling him to take off his clothes. A cold air swept through as he skeptically asked why this was needed, she further explained that she needed to see his body so that she can train him in a particular fighting style. They would leave the training of his dragon force for later and focus on his human strength first.

Takumi slowly removed his garments, exposing his body only covered in underwear, he was practically skin and bones which wasn't all that impressive, but there seemed to be another problem.

"There's a fucking viper in your pants!" Misao pulled out her scythe as she stared at Takumi's rod that was still slightly erected from the previous encounter and he would have definitely been castrated if he hadn't hurriedly explained that it was his genitals.

Misao was speechless for a second but after she regained her composure she scanned Takumi's body and noticed that he wasn't built for upper body strength but held major potential in his legs, she told him to put on his clothes and led him towards the waterfall.

"So am I gonna have to sit under this?" he asked as he made reference to the stereotype in martial arts fiction.

Misao laughed as she explained that there was no logic behind it and the real purpose of the waterfall was to keep track of his progress, he would need to be able to split the waterfall without using dragon force.

Takumi had one final question which was about how he would know when his training is complete, Misao's psychotic smile spread across her face and her eyes widened.

"When you're able to land a hit on me."

All Aiko could do was watch as Takumi's arrogance erupted.

"Ufufufufu, I'm sure I can land one on you in my current state." he said with utmost confidence.

Misao tried to talk sense into him by bringing up their almost catastrophic sparring match a couple weeks back, but Takumi was one who needed physical notation to calm his arrogance, which Misao happily obliged to give him.

"No weapons, no dragon force, I'll show you exactly what I mean." Misao asked the dragons to take her powers away and Takumi did the same.

Misao took a deep breath and walked away from Takumi, without even bothering to take a stance she told him to strike.

Aiko felt worried as Takumi cracked his knuckles ready to rush at Misao, he jumped from his position.

The difference between a dragon enhanced body and his was clear as Misao effortlessly dodged each strike and the ones she didn't dodge were deflected easily. The sparring didn't even last five minutes as Takumi attempted an uppercut, Misao moved her upper body backwards and with Takumi unable to recover she crossed her hands against his arm, breaking the bone in a crushing sound.

Takumi crashed to the ground, holding his destroyed arm and screaming in excruciating pain, Aiko immediately ran to him and pulled up a large amount of water and activating her [Water Dragon | Sixth Scale: Healing Spring] she fixed the injury.

"You damn psychopath! Are you crazy?!" Aiko felt enraged at how brutal Misao was but she could care less, saying that she was teaching him a lesson.

"Leave it Aiko," Takumi said as he got over the pain of his first broken bone in his life, "I see now where I fall short."

The first day of training began after a meal with establishing a fighting style, with Takumi's tall build and high leg strength he would learn the Ikari o keru (kicking fury) style. A martial arts style that was created and developed by Misao herself which was a fusion of the kicking techniques from Muay Thai and Taekwondo, said to posses the best kicks out of all martial art disciplines. His first step was to build his body.

"I'll make a schedule for you tomorrow, so for now go do some warm ups,"


The next day Takumi was woken up before the sun, "Get up, your schedule is ready," he reluctantly followed and was lead outside.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Takumi asked as he walked briskly behind Misao who was already going at a fast pace, she didn't answer but just kept on walking deeper into the forest and all he had to do was try and keep up.

He was almost out of breath when she stopped in a wide area of the forest that was without trees with one stump in the centre.

"Okay after one more explanation, we'll get to business." Misao sat on the stump with one leg hanging and explained that he would be first learning how to sense and manipulate ki (vital breath); the only energy that transcended human limits on their old world and was found in every living thing, which manifested in two categories, berserk ki, having a soul crushing killing intent and subtle ki, the hardest to sense.

He would start with learning to feel his own and then the ki around him, their training was fully underway.


Meanwhile, in the village Luna was taking a stroll around her home town regaining some old, fond memories of her time here before she left. She found herself staring at the meteorite when she heard a familiar voice in the distance, gradually getting louder.

"My dearest daughter, Luna!" When the voice reached hearing range, the daughter con Arata was running to her at breakneck speed.

She rolled her eyes and moved out of the way as she would usually do in this situation and as what would usually be the outcome, Arata slipped and fell. He sprung up like it was nothing and pleaded for a moment of her time, Luna huffed looking annoyed and told him to make it quick, she followed him to his building where she was presented with a dusty old book, which Arata said was found in a chest outside.

It held the notes of the first dragon host.