Chapter 17 - Minori's Notes I

~My name is Minori Hakasho, a weak human of young age, our species is the lowest on the food chain below the demons and I write this journal in an attempt to keep my sanity.

I'm not even sure where we came from or how we originated, but all that's sure is that we have one true purpose: to be nothing. The pixies and prismatic elves have mana, the giants have immense strength, the dryads control the beasts and plants along with many other great species, while us humans and demons, nothing. We posses no special powers only unique attributes not enabling us to fend for ourselves but to be slaves for the other, more powerful species.

The demons possessed a core in the centre of their chests called the 'scarib' which was a very powerful energy source, but also held their life force and without it they would die. Thus they were hunted and bred like livestock to supply the energy needs of other species. We humans were used to do hard labour that the other species felt too lazy to do themselves, we were usually flogged for slacking off which would usually end us in one shot and due to our very short life span, that was a very big deal.

Most of my clansmen had already accepted this terrible fate and the ones who disobeyed and tried to escape were killed, but I still kept my resolve to find a way out.

A cold night in the abode of a warrior giant, where my family of three consisting of my mother and brother alongside the over one hundred other humans who worked as slaves. I told them of my plot to escape but of course they were completely against it in fear of my life and refused to give any assistance, but I refused to live a slave and got on with it anyway leaving them behind while promising that I would return with a way to set the human race free.

So I got on with my plan, we lived as slaves but there were no physical restraints, the sheer might of the other species was enough to keep us in check, but not I.

Looking down every corridor, I acted as a shadow moving with absolute stealth with the help of the structure of the house which was built to accommodate the size of a giant coordinating with my human size until I reach the massive living room.

A furnace which would seem small in the eyes of giant looked like the size of a house belonging to a middle class kobold; A race of feline and canine creatures possessing the power to control beings with a stare of the eye and ferocious bites, had the flame put out with the wood used to burn it turned to ashes and I saw this as a a safety precaution.

Jumping into the dust I coated myself in the ash in order to mask my distinct scent which would help me to get past the cerberus; a large three headed beast the giant kept as a pet, known to have the ability to pick up and trace any scent and after that was done, I decided to try and exit the building.

At this point my heart was racing at an incredible speed as I climbed up a low window which was at a height where I could jump through without any damage. I reached to window pane and looked down, I took a gulp and leaped out, landing in a small bush and I was finally out, all that was left now was to get far away enough to begin my journey.

I walked for a while, looking to the east surveying the sleeping cerberus as I found myself in a forest, at last I was free. I sat down and breathed a sigh of relief after which I planned to take a quick rest before heading off.

But...there was a rustling sound coming from a nearby bush and my fear rose. Was it a dryad? Was I going to become a slave again? or even worse, killed? I felt my knees rattle as I etched out the words "show yourself" to the bush.

The rustling went on for a minute and I began to sweat but gladly, it was of no threat to me for it was revealed to be a male demon about the same age as I with short purple hair covering his horns a little and had a good physical build.

His eyes were dimmed with pain and he had chapped lips, he then explained that he had also escaped from his owner in order to free his own species. We exchanged motives and became allies in a instant, we found a safe area and awaited the next day when our journey would begin.

That night, I received a dream from what seemed like an ancestor's spirit, telling me to go and see the 'Dragon Emperors' if I seek to accomplish my mission. I was given specific directions and decided to take heed knowing I hadn't thought of another option.

The next morning, the demon introduced himself as Kotsukuo while we were picking berries to refuel before taking on the challenge that was ahead. We talked more about our plans of redemption and I got to know more of his plans of finding a way to gain immortality and then returning to take over as supreme ruler and get his revenge on all who mistreated his clan. This knowledge made me feel like I needed to keep an eye on him in case he decided to turn on me in the future.

As we went on, we came up with astounding ideas in order to fend for ourselves including building traps for animals so we could eat properly along with creating clothes, stone weapons and even temporary shelter. We were doing perfectly fine, for now.

Kotsukuo opted to hunt alone one morning to prove he could survive on his own and I let him, but he returned dragging what seemed like a human body.

"This guy wanted to take me back to his master so I took care of him," Kotsukuo informed as he dropped the body in front of me.

It was then I realized that he had the potential for evil and we got into an argument over what's wrong and right.

He refused to listen to reason and insisted on having his revenge, saying that everyone deserved to pay for what was happening to his clan and that was when I decided it was better that we break the alliance and from then on we went our separate ways.

It has been at least a month since he and I parted and I have been doing fine on my own, I've devoted myself to exercise to build my strength and it has been paying off, I am now able to kill a manticore without sustaining life threatening injuries.

I've built an arsenal of stone weapons to protect myself and also created paper from leaves so I may keep making documents in this book, just in case it may be helpful to my future generations.

I've traveled a long way since my escape, honing my survival skills to the point of being able to find ways preserve my meat and crafting many portable carriers for my belongings along with finding ways to escape the stronger species I encounter and I believe I am finally ready.

Ready to take my vision seriously and search for the Dragon Emperors.~