Chapter 48 - Plotting

Since the day Urusla turned her first human, five years passed. During this time, Urusla, along with the measly number of disguised demons in Tenshu managed to kidnap and turn unsuspecting civilians; they only targeted those who had little to no family to avoid raising suspicion. Urusla's army was steadily growing.

Her dungeon had been refurbished and now resembled a test site, with capsules made from glass which she herself designed. She had spent the years gathering her blood and storing it in a tank to make the turning process more efficient; she managed to turn a rather smart human who aided in creating such technology.

She was very pleased with how things were progressing.


In the throne room, a meeting was taking place.

"Another one?" Lancelot asked, his face showing an expression of immense stress.

"Yes, the family said he returned this morning," Gyotan replied, he too looking quite stressed.

Reiki was also present at this seemingly important meeting but was silent as usual, contemplating the many possibilities.

"This has been happening for the past five years!" Lancelot shouted, breaking from the pressure, "humans who don't wield dragon force going missing, only to show up weeks later, completely unharmed! This is not a coincidence!"

It seemed as if Urusla managed to slip up over the years, running out of people who lived alone to turn, hence going after the next best thing.

"Is everything alright?" Urusla timidly interrupted the meeting in a loving manner.

"Nothing dear, just the same issue that has been plaguing my mind," Lancelot replied, his heart getting lighter slightly from seeing his beloved.

Reiki glared at Urusla through the corner of her eye, even though many years passed, she still hadn't gained any trust in her; she saw nothing that would raise suspicions and as such she decided to keep the knowledge to herself. Five years might sound like a long time to hold a grudge but a fairy's life-span was significantly longer, such a period of time was the equivalent to days to them.

Urusla nodded at Lancelot before quietly exiting the throne room, but in reality, she stopped down the hall; listening in on the conversation.

"So what will you do?" Reiki finally spoke up, posing a serious question.

With a sigh, Lancelot responded as he caressed the centre of his forehead to ease the headache that was building up, "Tomorrow is the final part of the Dragon Force Exam, after that I'll send out some soldiers to watch the residents. Hopefully that way we can get an answer."

Urusla heard this and gasped, she regained her cool however before running to write a letter, the recipient: her new found advisor.

~Tai, gather all the demons in the castle square at mid-night. There has been a chance of plans.~

Sending the letter off on a bird resembling an owl, She sat on her bed while fumbling with her fingers, as if she was truly nervous.


On two sides of Tenshu Kingdom, two girls seemed to have grown quite a lot.

In the north castle town, Ichika had almost completely mastered attacks of the katana, with the help of her father, along with the secret meetings with Luna which eventually came to light, she was growing to be quite a seasoned fighter; only needing true battle experience in order to truly be a warrior.

Meanwhile in the south castle town, Aiko was doing just as well. Her skill with the spear was quite graceful; She received training from her father, who was quite a fighter back at Langaryo even though he could not wield dragon force. Her many split personalities, which had gradually manifested as she went through her teenage years, caused quite a worry on her parents but not enough to have it deemed as a threat.

Neither of the girls could break through from the first scale due to the fact that they had not become one with the dragons, but that was fated to change.


Night has fallen, the streets were dead and not even a chirping insect could be heard.

As Urusla always done in the past, she snuck out of the castle with perfect stealth. The castle square was a good distance away so she decided to get there quickly.

"Enhance!" She said just above a whisper.

Her scarib released a wave of a jade energy all over her body, greatly enhancing her physical abilities. She directed this power to her legs, giving her more speed; as a matter of fact, if one looked closely, one could see the chiseled muscles in her legs slightly bulge.

Bending the knee of her lead leg, she exploded into a sprint.


In the castle square, a medium sized crowd could be seen gathered. Each of them had an expectant look on their faces as they looked towards the castle. A few minutes later, a cloud of dust could be seen coming towards the crowd.

"She's here…" her advisor, a short, brown-haired man wearing glasses said.

Urusla deactivated her scarib attribute as she stopped in the centre of the crowd, she was greeted royally as each of them bowed on their knees beneath her.

The advisor, name Tai asked what was her reason for summoning them.

"Raise your heads," Urusla ordered before continuing-

"I have made a slight mistake on my part which may jeopardise our plans of domination." She said, a slight hint of shame in her voice.

The crowd began to mutter statements of disbelief, the demons who were naturally born as such had put a lot of faith in her and were feeling a bit disappointed; The turned demons, however, remained silent due to brainwash.

"Be calm," Urusla began once more, "I have thought of a way to fix this, it involves us taking action quite a bit early, Behold!"

Urusla summoned a large, luminous ball of jade energy above her palm, the crowd gasped in awe.

"After the Final Exam tomorrow, I will release this ball into the skies. It will act as a signal; when it explodes, I want every single demon here today…"

The demons, anticipating what was about to be said, smiled menacingly.

"To slaughter anyone you see. Our uprising starts tomorrow!" She finished, silently rousing the crowd.

A rather discreet cheer erupted and all the demons went their separate ways with high spirits, leaving Urusla to her own thoughts.

"Tomorrow begins my reign as Supreme Empress!"