Chapter 58 - Just Getting Started

Some time before Takumi and Luna proceeded to pleasure each other.

Kirika finally decided to start speaking with Meril again after being put on the spot in such an embarrassing way before. She sat on the couch in their living room, staring at the ground with a saddened expression on her face as she waited for Meril to come by.

After a few minutes of waiting, Meril came through, headed straight for the door with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Meril? You're not angry at me are you?" Kirika asked in a timid voice, stopping Meril from opening the door.

In response, Meril nodded with a smile.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Kirika asked where she was headed, just out of curiosity. After all, Meril looked like she had some serious business to take care of.

"Hehehe," She giggled, "I'm going to take you up on your offer. Bye!"

Without even giving Kirika time to think, Meril flew through the door, her teasing laughter booming through the air. With a dazed look, Kirika froze in place as the thoughts bombarded her fragile mind.

My offer? She thought. Don't tell me she's planning to lay with Takumi?! No no, why am I worried? He already has two other women, so it's fine…

Although she tried her best to settle her thoughts with those words, her over-emotional dryad heart which only recently experienced something close to love was going into a frenzy.

Meanwhile, Meril was standing in the centre of the empty village, looking around without anything particular in mind. A couple seconds after she went to take a seat cross-legged on the ground; She wanted to use the connection to earthy nature to find Takumi.

The more advanced a dryad became in controlling their powers, the more their abilities would evolve. Meril could be considered a dryad at the top of the power ranking when compared to others, with the exception of the Dryad Emperor and Empress of course.

As Meril shut her eyes, a glowing green light could be seen leaking from her body, even some faint rays could be seen coming from the ground. She couldn't pinpoint his exact location but she could accurately determine the direction and range he was in. After gathering this information, Meril opened her eyes, the faint shine of green in her eyes disappearing.

She immediately got into a run, dryads weren't known for physical strength so she used her control over nature to boost her speed. Using a vine to lift her up to a tree, then moving the branches in such a way that it added to her normal speed, she moved quite quickly.

In a matter of minutes, she came upon a house which matches Takumi's distance. He must be in there, she thought as she approached.

*Ahn!~* *Agh!~* *Hnnn!~*

The melodious sound of sensual moaning reached her ears, taking a peek inside, she was shocked to see Takumi indulging in Luna's essence, enjoying it quite a bit at that.

"I seem to have come at the right time," she mumbled as she continued to watch the show.

Thought it's duration, she was fully impressed. His stamina and size both met her requirements, she was aroused the whole time she watched. As soon as they reached a climax resulting in them going to sleep, Meril hatched a plan to get in bed with Takumi, it's success depending on the lowness of his intelligence. Poor Takumi.


It was early morning when Takumi woke, Luna was still sleeping as usual so he decided to just head back to the village without her.

Upon arrival, he noticed it was quite busy. More so than usual so he took this opportunity to look around. His first destination was where some men and women were gathered, he approached them with curiosity.

"What's going on over here?" He asked, seeing them congregating over an empty spot of land.

"We're arguing about if we should build that Dragon Force Acadamy here," a black-haired woman answered, before being shut down by some of the men who denied it being an argument.

Seeing that he could provide no assistance here, he bid them farewell with a laugh as he backed away.

"Watch out kiddo!" A rough voice shouted, startling Takumi.

Instinctively jumping to the side, he avoided the burly man coming towards him with a speeding stone wheelbarrow, filled to the brim with Dragon Force channeling crystals. Takumi apologized while scratching his head as the man headed to the main building.

Taking a deep breath, he surveyed the village where he saw a group of people he recognized on the training ground. As he approached them, about 5 golden balls of light hovered around him, saying hello in a giddy voice while giggling.

He greeted the pixies with a giggle of his own before he reached the group. Misao seemed to be teaching them how to use ki, Ichika was busy training by herself while Aiko and Lancelot seemed to be training in using subtle ki.

"Have you seen Luna?" Misao asked while walking from side to side like an army general.

Shrugging, he responded saying that she must be at her house where he left her. Misao shrugged also before releasing a barrage of tiny fire balls into the air with a flick of her wrist, Aiko and Lancelot quickly moved from their position and struck each of them with precision, showing that they had mastered the breathing style of subtle ki.

Takumi gave a round of applause and a kiss to Aiko before waving goodbye, he started to feel a bit hungry so he went home to have some breakfast.

"Come back to me in some time so we can test how much stronger we got after the breakthrough!" Misao shouted with cupped palms around her mouth, receiving a thumbs up from Takumi.


After getting home and changing his clothes he noticed a piece of paper lying of the slab next to the window where letters were delivered. Opening it, he was pretty confused and surprised by who it came from.

"A letter from Meril?" he asked himself, not knowing why she would send a letter.