Chapter 61 - Power Level Test

Takumi slept quite peacefully that night, the enjoyable events playing over and over in his mind as he floated in the dream world with a goofy smile and drool running from the corner of his lips. But his peace was greatly disturbed when the sun rose.


The sound of glass shattering jolted him out of bed, the rays of particularly bright sunlight hit him with full force as he shielded his eyes from the glare. He got over the blindness in a few seconds with his gaze pointed at the floor, where he saw a highly condensed fireball slowly dissipate, leaving a large burn in his wooden flooring.

Looking around to see which window had been smashed, he saw Misao standing outside the shattered and partially melted pane, with her usual serious expression.

"*Sigh~* I thought I was you." Takumi lamented with a tinge of annoyance in his voice, "Do you know what time it is? What do you want?"

Misao had absolutely no care about smashing the window in such a bizarre way, rather she just rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction with Takumi, "Dude, it's noon. I got bored so get out here so we can test our power levels since the breakthough, take too long and your face will be smashed next."

As Takumi watched her walk away, her striding figure swaying without a hint of womanly elegance, he groaned. She's a pain, that was the only thing he could think of as he got dressed.

Soon, after doing some makeshift repairs on his broken window with a piece of cloth, he journeyed over to where Misao was, presumably the training ground. And that was indeed where she was, along with Reiki.

"I'm here." Takumi stated, shooting a glare at Misao and a wave at Reiki, "What's Reiki doing here?"

Completely disregarding Takumi's irritation, Misao explained that Reiki was there to monitor how their energy behaved and relay the findings back to them between each break. Reiki continued by saying that doing this would help by leaps and bounds in her research on dragon hosts.

"Alrighty then, golems again?" Asked Takumi as he retrieved his sword.

"Nope," Misao responded, a menacing grin forming on her face, "Me!"

With a rounded mouth and widened eyes, Takumi was genuinely shocked as he flinched. He frantically brought back up the dangerous encounter they had the last time they sparred, but the way he was shot down after brought on a slew of fearful sensations onto him.

"I practically begged the dragons to give me an alternative and they said once we use all our protection scales to cast a six layer barrier to short out each element, no harm will come. I can finally spar with you again!" Misao explained, her deadly smile on full display, she was truly enjoying this.

"So? Let's get started!" She urged, seeing Takumi's dumbfounded expression.

Reluctantly, after regaining his senses, Takumi proceeded to, with his palm pointed at the ground, cast the protection scale of all his elements, which was the fourth scale in each growth. [Shielding Mountain] [Tidal Defence] [Luminous Resistance] were cast in that order.

Misao then proceeded to cast her own protection scales with the same gesture; [Radiating Protection] [Burning Forcefield] [Typhoon Sheild]

The result was an array of defensive dragon force around the perimeter of the training ground, which looked beautiful with all the colours of each element contrasting. Reiki had already activated her clairvoyance which allowed her to see through the earth wall, her observations had already started.

"You ready?" Misao said as she took some light hops to warm up, like a boxer.

"Always." Takumi responded, using his narcissism to shield his state of mind.

With her dragon ki at full blast, Misao bolted in Takumi's direction, her bright red eyes leaving a trail behind her. Takumi was forced to be on the defensive when Misao took a downward swing of her scythe, which was parried effortlessly by Takumi's blade.

"You're attacks are way weaker than last time." Takumi taunted before he sent a knee into Misao's stomach, her abs feeling like metal against him.

"Shut up and fight!" Misao roared as she jumped back, "Let's see if you can take this!"

She immediately activated [Sun Dragon | Ninth Scale: Radioactive Strengthening] which gave her body a massive boost in power as a sheet of radiant orange aura enveloped her, she sprinted at him again.

"Interesting." Reiki muttered as she watched the flurry of quick kicks and punches being exchanged, observing the coursing energy.


Misao threw a one handed ground pound but with Takumi's agility enhanced by his subtle dragon ki, he easily dodged, which left a spider web crack where he stood.

Takumi harrumphed, raising his palm, his moon dragon mark glowed as he activated [Moon Dragon | Fifth Scale: Gravitational Authority]

Where Misao had backed off to after attacking was instantly subjected to one hundred times more gravity which was highly concentrated on Misao's body, her leg muscles bulged as she tried to act against it but to no avail as she created large cracks in the ground as she sank.

"This… won't… HOLD ME!!" She screamed angrily before activating her other elements of the ninth scale; [Heated Tempering] and [Aerial Vitality]

By now, Misao's body was radiating a terrifying pressure, her eyes glowed a menacing red and the flaming and gusting sheets of aura enhanced the blood lust in her berserk ki.

"RAAAAAA!!" She shouted as her body began showing resistance to the extra gravity until soon after, when the crack beneath her changed into a crater as she broke free from the hold.

She charged at Takumi with insane speed and power, it seemed as if the extra gravity acted as a sling shot which catapulted her towards him. He had less than a second to react but by that time Misao was already in front of him, where she delivered an echoing punch to his abdomen, forcing him to cough and sending him flying off the ground.

He continued to propel through the air until he blasted through all six of the barriers, deactivating them in the process. The whole village watched with awed expressions as the trail of smoke on Takumi created a trail which ended up at his house, halfway across the village but could still be seen from the training ground, which was destroyed with his impact.

The fight's over, Reiki thought, her clairvoyance being deactivated.

Misao quickly dashed to where the knocked out Takumi landed with a contented smile on her face.

"Looks like it's my win! Wahahahaaa!" she gloated as she calmed her energy and brushed her hair back in a smug manner.