Chapter 66 - Evil Makes Preparations Too

On Urulsa's way back to the castle, she took a small detour. After all, she still had preparations to make.

"I should get a new mount," she said out loud, turning her attention to the south castle town where an even more ominous energy could be felt.

She immediately dashed towards that location, running past the captive humans being assaulted by demons. After an unknown number of strides, Urusla reached the south castle town.

The town could barely be called a shadow of it's former self, as it was now a complete different structure all together. The medium houses which previously lined the landscape had been completely demolished, replaced by a building big enough to occupy the wide expanse of this part of the kingdom.

Entering the building, a sight that would genuinely shocked one graced Urusla's eyes. The area inside was lined with capsules, hundreds, maybe even more, all holding what seemed to be unconscious demons inside in suspended animation floating in a jelly-like fluid. The space seemed like a spruced up version of the capsules in the dungeon, with pipes running from the tops of each.

A male demon with a business- like demeanor greeted Urusla, asking what was her need to come to this place.

This place was a facility Urusla had designed to keep crazed demons under control. Due to crazed demons being well, crazed, they were unable to roam the kingdom like other demons, which was what prompted Urusla to have them placed in the fluid, which acted as a powerful anti depressant to secure them without worry.

"I'm in need of a crazed demon," Urusla answered, she put on a cute expression before continuing, "you see, my mount died and I need a new one."

The demon simply bowed respectfully before leading his queen to the nearest capsule, where he asked if she desired any of them in particular.

Turning down this offer, Urusla chose a random demon. After draining the liquid, the demon's eyes fluttered a bit before opening, where he saw his queen standing in her usual imposing aura.

"Are you willing to die for me?" Urusla asked, her smile not disappearing in the slightest.

In the eyes of a crazed demon, Urusla was like a mighty lion in a den of cubs. Crazed demons operated by animals, due to their jade energy killing their intelligence, and by instinct, he saw that he couldn't go against Urusla in the slightest so the first thing that came to his mind was to bow, and that he did.

"Good, good." Urusla praised, seeing demons prostrate themselves in her presence always made her head swell, "now let's be off."


After a decent amount of time walking, in which the crazed demon followed behind his queen like a well trained puppy, they soon found themselves standing in front of a rocky area.

With sharp, rigid rocks and a number of high rising caves, from first glance one could tell this was some sort of habitat.


Many deafening cries of eagles sounded out, but these weren't the cries of eagles, thus habitat was taken by the griffins.

"Hmmmm," Urusla muttered with a serious look as she surveyed each cave, "ah, that one!"

She pointed at a cave situated at a higher level than all the others, the cave was even bigger than the rest by some margin. With no further delay, Urusla began jumping towards the cave.

Reaching the entrance, Urusla's excellent vision aided her in scoping out the interior.

Inside, was a majestic beast. With the head of an eagle and a lion's body covered in dark feathers, the beast laid sleeping, turning occasionally where it's tail flicked and it's large talons scratched the ground. Next to it was what seemed like a massive next, laden with six eggs about the size of two human heads.

Urusla and the crazed were standing above this nest before she took up one of the eggs and weighted it a bit by throwing it up and down slightly.


The egg was thrown and splattered upon coming in contact with the cave wall. The griffin's eyes shined in anger as it woke up when the sound reached it's ears. Urusla didn't show a hint of fear even when the beast began to move towards her, causing small tremors with every step it took.

With a cry of anger, the griffin charged at the pair of demons with it's wings still closed up. The beast collided with both of them in a powerful headbutt which flung them out of the cave.

The crazed demon rolled haphazardly along the rocky terrain while Urulsa skillfully managed to stick a landing, digging trenches with her feet as she slid across. By now the griffin was bathed in the light of the sun as it's head stuck out of the cave, soon after in took a mighty jump before spreading it's large wings, blocking out the sun momentarily.

The crazed demon who had just regained his footing looked at the mighty griffin in fear, opposite to Urusla's expression. Griffins were seen as the kings of the skies to other animals, they were so powerful that even being able to cook one was seen as a sign of strength and was only done in special situations.

Another loud cry echoed before the beast took an aerial charge at the one it suspected to cause the early death of it's child. It's beak was wide open and it's talons were imposing as it approached Urusla, prepared to swallow her whole in a single gulp.

Urusla, however, was quite calm. She waited until the griffin was close enough before she grabbed the unsuspecting crazed by the neck, soon after which she took a sharp spin, using her own strength plus the demon's weight to throw him right into the beast's mouth.

The griffin hovered by flapping it's wings, producing strong gusts as sounds of crunching echoed. In a couple seconds only the blood of the demon remained on the beast's beak.

Immediately after, what Urusla had come here for occurred. The griffin lost it's place in the air and came crashing down, rays of jade energy leaked out of various areas on it's body as it transformed. It's eyes changed to red and black while spikes came from it's shoulders and from the tips of it's wings, it had become a demon griffin.

It got used to it's new body quite quickly and just remembered what it was just doing, but as it took a single glance at Urusla, a wave of fear enveloped it. It's animal instincts chimed in, it had no choice but to submit to it's queen.

"Good. You know who your queen and master is." Urusla said proudly as she straddled her new mount before flying off into the distance.