Chapter 68 - Try As You May

It was already night time when Takumi woke up. He rose clutching his head and looking around for Misao, but she wasn't present.

"Ugh, every time I go near that girl I end up unconscious." He groaned, "When I make her my woman she'll have to be nicer to me!"


Another day passed and so did another training session with Misao, this too also ended in failure, with Takumi being at fault once more. He was simply unable to catch Misao at the speed she was coming at, or maybe it was for a simpler, stupider reason.

"What's wrong with you?!" Misao asked, enraged as she got up from the ground for the umpteenth time.

Takumi couldn't even answer her since his mind was on a whole different topic entirely.

How did I get her to go on a date with me back then? He asked himself with a hand on his chin. Dammit, that knowledge would be pretty useful right now if I could remember.

Takumi was so out of tune with the world that he couldn't even sense the deadly pressure coming from Misao who was slowly inching to the height of rage. Eventually, she had enough.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" She sprinted from the position where she had fell with a clenched fist.

As she got in front of Takumi, a powerful upcut collided with his stomach. She held back a great deal of her power but still managed to lift him off the ground, making him cough up a great amount of saliva.

Takumi fell face first with a thud, coughing vehemently while clutching his stomach. The pain in his abdomen brought him out of his lusting thoughts and brought on a slew of less pleasant ones.

I'm definitely courting death with this attempt! He mused. But no matter, for all the womai- ah, Harem-Kings across the world, I shall conquer this woman!

With this idea set in the corner of his mind, he found a strange determination. As if he was never even touched, he sprung up from the ground with a beaming smile full of arrogance.

Misao was quite pleased with his fast recovery, under the illusion that he only needed some shaking up to be whipped back in shape. She posed her previous question about his state of mind to him once more.

But instead of answering normally, Takumi used his back to propel himself off the ground as if he hadn't been hurt at all. Then he moved rather quickly to Misao's side where he lay his arm around her shoulders, putting on his best face as he stared her in the eye.

Misao however, felt this was completely awkward and grimaced.

"My dear Misao, I truly apologize for my constant slip ups." Takumi's silver tongue went to work with swooning, "It was just me being completely mesmerized by your immaculate beauty."

A moment of silence set in. Misao's weirded-out expression didn't fade but Takumi was too caught up in his act to pay any attention. He moved away before striking a pose with one hand on his face and the other outstretched towards her direction in attempt to accentuate his beauty as he took her silence as a cue to continue.

"You really don't understand how honounable I find it to fight at your side," he said in a soft voice, "And as a token of my honor, I propose you and I go on a date, I know an excellent spot right next to Shisui. Let us rekindle that spark we found back on earth, no?"

Misao's expression slowly changed to one seen more inclined with her personality. Takumi regained his sight when he removed his palm from his face and saw her usually enraged demeanor.

He was about to put his guards up against the upcoming attack when something completely unexpected entered his ears.


It was a snicker. Takumi's eyebrow reached the highest point on his forehead as he watched the usually pissed off Misao laugh on her own accord. She instinctively put a hand over her mouth before giving up on holding back.

"PAHAHAHA!" If one heard such a laugh from afar, they wouldn't dare think it came from this woman who looked like she could beat down a bar full of drunk gangsters.

Takumi just waiting until she had her fun before asking to be let in on the joke.

"Oh haha, sorry." Misao answered as she wiped the single tear that had escaped, "It's just that you looked so dumb with that show you put on just now! PAHAHAHA!"

Misao then had another fit of laughter. Takumi grinded his teeth from side to side as a cross- shaped vein pulsed rigorously in his temple.

Misao forced herself to stop laughing once more to say a final bit.

"Okay okay. I wouldn't date you if you were the last guy in Endolis," she said bluntly, striking a bullseye to Takumi's ego, "Buuuuut, train harder and beat me in a fight and I might consider it."

She then turned away, not caring about his reaction before bursting in laughter again as she walked away, shamelessly mimicking his courtship offer only to enhance the joke.

Even after she finally left his sight, Takumi's angered face stayed there. He took a serious blow to his ego and wasn't about to take such a shallow rejection lying down.

Beat you in a fight huh? He pondered as a sinister smile spread across his face. Very well, Misao. I swear you will be mine!


Takumi hurriedly ran home where he was greeted by a large wooden box sitting on the open window pane for messages.

He opened it after feeling the familiar energy radiating from it container. Inside was a generous amount of drakonite crystals, along with a note which read:

~Here's something to get your training going faster. I've sent packages like this to all other dragon hosts. When you run out, just visit me for another box.


Even before reading the note, Takumi was overjoyed with lady luck being on his side. Looking at the crystals that would help him get into Misao's pants, a smile formed on his face as an idea formed in his mind.