Chapter 72 - Mizuko Loves Him

"Huh? I'm still here?" Takumi woke up in the Dragon Realm, fully energized.

Mizuko had made sure she revitalized him with her healing scale just to ensure that his spirit didn't suffer any damage from their… beastly encounter.

Noticing Mizuko standing over him, Takumi was brought back to the wild way he drilled her a few hours back, and as such he got worried.

"Are you… okay?" He asked, giving a hint with his voice as to what he meant.

She was taken aback slightly by such a question, she had never been asked about how she felt after the act. She now knew that what she said before in the heat of the moment wasn't just some knee-jerk reaction, it was real.

"Oh… I guess. I'm still loose down there from that last round though," Mizuko answered as she placed a hand between her lower cheeks and put on a look of discomfort.

Takumi's eyes widened in shock, he immediately started to stutter as if trying to apologize.

"Ufufu. Relax, I'm kidding."

They both had a good laugh which lightened up the mood. After a short conversation about random things, Takumi thought it was time to leave.

He got up from where he and Mizuko laid and flicked his hand, summoning a robe on his body, he thought it only natural to clothe himself.

While waiting on Mizuko to send him out of the Dragon Realm, he noticed a slightly flushed look on her face.

"Um, before you go…" she spoke up before he had a chance to, tapping her index fingers against each other, "Could you, visit me here often from now on? It gets really lonely here sometimes…"

The worried expression soon changed to a warm smile. Takumi slowly walked towards Mizuko before standing eye to eye with her, and after a few seconds of pure gazing, he leaned in, giving her loving kiss. One might say it was impossible for love to blossom so quickly but of course, Takumi was a unique case. He had so much genuine love for himself that it was more than enough to supply those around him, so he glady expressed his love for Mizuko from the bottom of his heart.

The scene of a handsome young man and a beautiful dragon-woman sharing a kiss in a land of clouds painted quite a romantic atmosphere.

Mizuko's body melted in his arms as her whole body heated up, but for a much less sexual reason. She couldn't believe she fell for Takumi so quickly but she didn't care anymore.

"You're one with me now so it's only natural," he swooned with his arms on her waist, "So whenever you need my presence, just call and I'll come running." Takumi's charm put the icing on the cake as he gave her a final kiss to the forehead.

"Thank you…" Mizuko's eyes were watery but she smiled brightly.

Takumi returned another smile as the Dragon Emperor gently waved her hand, causing his body to dissapear in a glowing mist, returning him to the world of flesh.


"Boy, you sure get knocked out a lot for a hero," the first thing he heard upon return was a taunt from Meril.

His body was covered in sheets while two weights could be felt on both his arms. He found them to be both Luna and Aiko, the texture of their bare bodies on his surprised him.

After carefully moving away from their grasp, causing them to toss a bit. Takumi sat near the edge of his bed, trying to wrap his head around what took place here while he was gone.

"If you're wondering," Meril chimed in, "You were quite active even while unconscious so the girls and I helped ourselves to a little fun, I hope you don't mind."

After getting slightly embarrassed when he thought about the reason for such a flare up, he turned to where the voice of his pregnant dryad partner was coming from, where he was greeted by another surprise.

Meril was standing with her back turned in his kitchen, moving her hands up and down cutting something up. But this was the least of the surprises.

Her entire body was bare, her perfectly rounded rump bounced ever so slightly from her movements. The only thing covering her was an apron, giving her a entrancing, sexy-maid demeanor.

"Ufufu," Meril giggled as she felt Takumi's carnal gaze on her back, "Kirika is out getting some ingredients for me to make something for us. We can have some fun while she's out. Interested?"

Takumi chuckled lightly before walking over to Meril to satisfy his desires.


In the dungeon under the Demon Kingdom, however, a much less joyous energy filled the air. A young lady tied to a wall was shedding tears non-stop, which soiled her angelic face.

This girl, subjected to inhumane torture for many weeks on end had finally come to a decision after much pained contemplation.

Aegis had decided that enough was enough.