Chapter 86 - It Wasn't A Dream

Takumi and Misao were subjected to more tests, with each of them proving that their bodies were in tip-top condition, better in fact. Eventually, seeing that there was nothing wrong, both doctors decided it was fine to release their patients.

Takumi was busy changing his clothes when he noticed the scrutinizing eyes of his doctor in the mirror. He was shirtless at the moment, but the doctor's stare was anything but lustful.

"Need something?" He asked, not turning around.

The doctor, her eyes piercing through Takumi's very being, walked over to him before stopping a safe distance away.

"In a coma for two months, getting fed through tubes. But you wake up with an athletic body… as if you were training during that coma…"

The doctor's tone began to scare Takumi a little. He began to worry about if his bizzare recovery might spark an interest in his body being some sort of anomaly, which may eventually lead to him being caged up like a lab rat.

Clearing his throat, Takumi put his shirt on before walking past the doctor, only to be stopped by the weight of her hand on his shoulder. She stared into his eyes, as if looking past his dazzling features for something more.

Takumi expected another round of interrogation when the doctor surprised him by raising her hand, flashing a smile.

"Maybe I should take a dip in the Lake of Gold to get my dream body… teehee!"


After signing all the documents necessary for the discharge, Misao and Shi ran into Takumi on their way out.

"Is that the boy?" Shi asked, leaning near to Misao's ear.

With a nod, Misao carefully examined Takumi's body. Imbueing her eyes will ki, an ethereal red flame covered them as she thoroughly scrutinized his energy channels, noticing that his body was in the exact state as her's. The only difference being that his dragon force lay dormant, while her's still circulated unhindered.

"Mum… uh… I have to go. …Finish that date we started!" Misao said hurriedly, wanting to speak with Takumi.

Shi didn't bother questioning her as she was happy to see Misao opening up to people other than her. With a smile, she told Misao that they would meet back at home… but in truth, she had other plans.

Running over to the father-son duo, Misao grabbed Takumi by the shoulder, startling them both.

"Ah… Misao… I've been meaning to text you." Takumi said, having some things of his own to say.

After a nod, Takumi turned to his father, introducing his… acquaintance. Hiroshi bowed with a bright smile before letting Takumi leave, not quite as he stopped him before they had the chance to go.

Smiling at his son, Hiroshi took Takumi's hand before slapping something into his palm. Feeling the plastic wrapping, he opened his palm… cringing when he saw it was a condom…


Misao and Takumi made their way to the nearest coffee shop. She was holding his hand the hold time while they ran, lifting him off the ground with every skip, hop or jump.

They placed their orders based on their specific tastes in coffee, with Misao strangely ordering two cups for herself.

Minutes passed and they were served, initiating their conversation.

"What happened?" Takumi was the first to break the ice.

Misao took up one of her cups before holding it beneath her chin, going through her thoughts.

"We definitely died there. Our hearts were crushed as soon as she attacked, but what I don't understand is why we're back here."

"The only thing we know is that we were summoned to that world, for the purpose of ending that demonic age. So when we died there… that should've been it. Unless…"

Takumi took a sip as he waiting on Misao's calculations. He too began to think that something as simple as them being summoned to that world wouldn't suffice as an explanation.

Misao came up with a hypothesis, "Unless… we weren't really summoned to Endolis. The only possible explanation of us traversing worlds through death is that there is some mastermind with reality bending powers behind it all. The question is… why are they doing this?"

Although this possibility was highly likely and not having any way of proving if it was true or not, Takumi still opted for a simpler explanation. In the back of his mind, he still supported the fact that all this was just some bizarre dream.

"Oh, I assure you, it was no dream." Misao had already analyzed this possibility.

With those words building suspense, Misao held up her arm, directing attention to it. She then pulled the sleeve of the sweater she wore all the way down, exposing her muscular arm.

Takumi cocked an eyebrow as Misao took up a cup of her untouched coffee, holding it in the sleeveless arm.

What came next was a quick but bright flash of light, accompanied by a sizzling sound. Takumi's jaw dropped when the light died down, exposing Misao's sun dragon mark. Ashes now filled her palm as the cup, and the liquid inside it were vaporized by the scorching heat of the sun.

Misao smiled at Takumi's reaction, "Energy that fuels our abilities is linked to our souls, allowing it to stand strong across space. I've been a cultivator longer than you so that explains why I still have perfect control over my dragon force, while yours remains dormant."

"The fact that I can manipulate dragon force means that Endolis was real…"

A chilling silence made itself known due to those words. With them both now having tangible truth of their experience on Endolis being real, it now dawned on them that Urusla had won. They stared at the table with saddened expressions as they thought that the Demon Queen may have already laid waste to the safe village and those they cared for.


Takumi's fists crashing down onto the table brought Misao out of her stupor. His eyes trembled as he gnashed his teeth, barely holding his emotions back.

"We have to go back!" He shouted, making Misao release an inaudible gasp.

"I know the time since we've come back has already given Urusla enough time to des-… destroy the safe village and move on but… We need to go back and safe the rest of Endolis!"

Misao watched as Takumi's determination radiated like the rays of the sun. She clenched her fists tightly before giving a sharp nod, agreeing with his resolve.

"Good… good!" It was then that a female voice said.

The presence made itself known from the seat behind Misao. Shi stood up before them and smiled brightly, punching her palm.

"I'll help you guys out!"