Chapter 91 - Time To End This

The sudden blindness, which was replaced by a cloudy view proved that the plan had worked. The six Dragon Emperors stood as majestic as usual, waiting on Urusla to realize what had occurred.

And she soon did, "What is this realm? And why am I without clothes?"

Urusla had appeared with her back turned to the dragons, but she soon felt the imposing presence and turned around sharply, causing her twin peaks to shake attractively.

"Ah? This must truly be the day of my reign. Now I have the opportunity to destroy you dragons, ridding myself of your tenacious puppets." Urusla said with a chuckle, no longer caring about her nudity.

Kage spoke with a scowl, "If you think it will be do easy, you're sadly mistaken... Demon Queen Urusla."

Then, as if that sentence was the que to something magnificent, the dragons' bodies burst into their respective elements. Moon, Sun, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind... these elements enveloped their masters.

When the energy finally dispersed, the towering figures of the dragons had vanished, replaced by their hybrid forms. With colorful scales and majestic wings, with the exception of Mizuko and Daichi, they looked even more powerful in this form that the original.

"I believe one attack from each of us should be enough to dispose of this... thing..." Haruka said, her golden eyes piercing, her long hair swaying and her six wings fluttering.

"I believe so. Let's waste no more time then." Kage concurred with a smirk.

Urusla burst out in laughter, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. One attack? She had stood solid against countless!


Urusla's laughter was interrupted by a great explosion, one so powerful it blew embers instead of wind. The source of this attack: Ashrock.

"That's one..." He said nonchalantly.

Urusla walked out of the sea of flames, huffing as she fumed with rage, small cracks of light had appeared on her body. She was about to scream her thoughts when another attack reached her.

"Tsunami of Demise. Ufufufu..." Mizuko's subtle voice disguised the power behind her attack.

A great wave smashed into Urusla, appearing from thin air. The wave coiled around the Demon Queen, following the finger movements of Mizuko, who ended the attack with an explosion of water.

As Urusla's body fell from the air, larger and more numerous cracks could be seen in her spirit body. She didn't even get the chance to regain her footing when Daichi's voice sounded.

"Mountain Hammer!"

An enormous pillar of rock landed on Urusla, followed by a silent attack from Typhon. Winds converged around the rock pillar, slicing it to shreds along with Urusla under it, resulting in her taking extra damage from the falling rubble.

That was four attacks. The only dragons remaining were Kage and Haruka, who waited until Urusla got out of the rubble.

"GRAAAAAH!" Urusla burst out of the rubble, actually.

Her limbs were twisted in many areas and her nude body was covered in cracks of light, unable to heal due to it being spiritual damage instead of physical. But even though she was now in such a pitiful state, she refused to back down.

Urusla opened her mouth, a ball of jade energy began condensing. Kage and Haruka simply stared at her with complete disdain as the attack charged.

"This is the true power of the Dragon Emperors." Haruka said, raising her finger.

"A mere demon can't compare to it." Kage added, doing the same.

Above their fingers, energy in the form of purple and orange balls began to condense. As the energy accumulated, the attacks grew in size and magnificence. They grew until it looked at if Kage and Haruka were holding the moons and sun above their fingers.

"Lunar Wrath..."

"Solar Wrath..."


The energy was thrown. Urusla's eyes widened as the enormous masses of energy approached her, unable to do a thing as they gobbled up her own energy ball before exploding.

A catastrophic amount of power was behind those attacks. The explosion grew out into a dome before condescending itself into a pillar of purple and orange.


That was the reaction everyone had when the energy dissipated, Urusla still lived! Her body was charred beyond recognition, though, the arousing looks she had entered the Dragon Realm with were completely burned off. But Urusla's life soon proved to be the least of the surprises.

"Please.... spare me..."

Kage chuckled, followed by all the other dragons doing the same. A chorus of laughter erupted at the expense of Urusla.

"Takumi.... Misao. I believe you two should have the honor of ending this."

No more needed to be said. From behind the dragons, a mass of energy could be felt growing. Takumi and Misao could be seen with their palms opened upwards, and in it, a ball of energy resembling a star could be seen.

"Goodbye, Urusla." they both said in unison, releasing the ball with... "Dwarf Star!"


By the time the explosion had died down, the Dragon Realm was a mess of scattered energy. The clouds they stood in were charred and the atmosphere was overwhelming due to the massive amounts of energy released.

But the silver lining of this, the battle had finally ended. The rest of Urusla's spirit body, which was reduced to just the torso faded away in sparkles...

Reducing Urusla's spirit, and life, to nothingness.