Chapter 95 - Just In Case

While Gaia and Athena began their negotiations about the fate of this world, the group had decided to go about their lives for now. Lancelot took up the responsibility of explaining the current situation to the villagers, which Shi volunteered herself to assist.

Takumi's only thought was to head home and take a nice long nap. The strenuous battle, literally dying and being resurrected, along with all the bizarre happenings attacked him in one powerful wave of exhaustion. But as he ended his rather lengthy yawn, Kirika could be seen running towards him.

"Takumi!" She slammed her body into Takumi's, squeezing him tightly, "I'm so happy you're alright! Come quickly!"

"Wait wha-!"

Kirika's fleshy body jiggled as she ran. Takumi didn't have a chance to ask for an explanation as Kirika's happiness proved to be infectious, he now couldn't wait to see what was in store.

The run ended at Meril's house. Takumi froze at the beautiful sight that graced him; Meril sat cross legged in her yard with her eyes closed, in front of her was what seemed like an egg made of earth... anchored in the earth. The egg, about half the size of a human with vines running across it, radiated pure Natural Essence, which soflty resonated with the humming Meril.

"She gave birth while you were out fighting!" Kirika had tears in the corners of her eyes, "I didn't expect it for a couple weeks but she was struck in the head by this pink light, then went into labor right after! You should have seen her! I don't think I could push out such a big Life Spore!"

Kirika's loud cheers informed Meril of Takumi's presence. The dryad got up before hugging Takumi, who was still frozen.

"Come say hello to your daughter."

That sentence took Takumi out of his trance. He questioned Meril with his gaze, who then said she would walk him through it. Takumi nodded before taking a seat.

As informed by Meril, he laid his hand on the egg which reacted to his earth dragon force rather quickly. The egg began to hum, as if using Takumi's energy to identify him as her father.

"That's going to be one strong dryad." Daichi said, his domain over earth giving him such information.

Upon getting congratulations from the other dragons, along with the bright smiles of both his women, Takumi couldn't help but release tears of joy.


Takumi returned home after some spending time with his newly made family. Night had fallen but a new problem presented itself.

"I'm too pumped to fall asleep..."

Takumi spoke to his daughter through a dryad technique known as Offspring Resonace, and with this technique he found out that his spawn was quite energetic, leaving him quite hyperactive.

*Knock!~* *Knock!~*

Like an answer to his prayers, a knock sounded at the door, the hesitant tone of the knock gave Takumi a vague idea of who his visitor was. Opening the door, Takumi's hunch was proven right; Ichika stood on his porch with a look of bearing something to say.

"I need to speak with you." There was something deeply emotional about her tone.

With a nod from Takumi, she entered. He was then told to take a seat while Ichika organized her thoughts; a deep breath signaled that she was ready to speak.

"During the fight..." she forced herself to lock gazes with Takumi, "When you.... died, it felt as if I was the one who got their heart crushed. But when you came back safe and sound, all that pain simply vanished... as if seeing your face gave me a sense of joy that I've never felt any way before."

Takumi felt touched, "Ichika..."

"Please let me finish! I've been hiding the way I felt about you for a long time... ever since that talk after meeting Luna, I found myself being drawn to you. Even now I can't explain why I stayed away all this time."

"But the thing is... when you died, the thing that hurt me the most was the thought of you leaving before I got the chance to confess my love to you, Takumi."

Ichika then took a dramatic pause, but not to suspense. Takumi's eyes widened as she placed her fingers into the collar of her robes, which went flying with a swish.

Ichika's nude body was marvelous. With legs held together in a straight posture, Ichika's shapely hips enticed Takumi. Her bountiful breasts with taut, pink nipples sat gracefully on her chest, which were complimented by a nice set of abdominal muscles. The final piece of this erotic puzzle was hidden by Ichika's hands, which sat on top of each other at her crotch.

"Just in case you leave for good the next time... I'll give you my everything. By body, my heart and soul."