Chapter 97 - Race To The Rod!!!

These pairs of eyes belonged to Reiki and Misao. They stood on either side of Takumi's house, unaware of each other's presence watching him pound Ichika.

Their bodies naturally reacted to this erotic scene as their nubs dampened their underwear. But strangely enough, they seemed to be able to pay no attention to their own arousal, focusing on something entirely different.

They both were able to see Takumi's and Ichika's dragon force levels rise, as well as the energy perfectly attributing itself without any mediation.

Reiki was intrigued, "Amazing! I've never heard of anything like this! I must delve deeper into this!"

While Misao was infuriated, "That fucking cheat! Doesn't even have the balls to train like a real warrior! Has to depend on dual cultivation! Trash!"

With thoughts of Takumi's unorthodox cultivation method in mind, both ladies went their separate ways, leaving trails of joy and anger in their wake.


Reiki returned to her lab. She instantly retrieved her notebook containing all the research she had gathered on dragon hosts. If she was on Earth, one may think she was working towards a Nobel prize.

The more she wrote, the more her thirst for knowledge intensified. But that wasn't the only thing that intensified; as her memories of the encounter produced more vivid images, the arousal that had previously been isolated to her crotch spread throughout her whole body.

"Oh?" Reiki muttered as she began to feel the wetness between her legs.

With a quick trip of her hand down south, Reiki touched her honey pot, even caressing it for a while. Upon pulling her hand back up to eye level, she bit her lips when she saw her sweet smelling nectar, sticking to her fingers.

"I really should take a more.... hands on approach to this aspect of my research. Who knows, maybe I'll get more than just knowledge... Ufufu."


*Pah!~* *Whap!~* *Bang!~*

"I'm starting to think the only reason you asked me to spar was so you could let off some steam." Shi chuckled as she dodged a flaming palm.

Misao scowled, "So what? I'm pretty pissed right now."

The two were on the village's training grounds, having a rather heated sparring session. Shi was smooth as silk in the way she dodged, deflected and even absorbed Misao's countless attacks.

Thoughts of Takumi fucking his way to a higher cultivation level fueled Misao's rage. She took a kick from Shi to the chest, sending her sliding across the ground on all fours. She took her current posture to sink her fingers into the ground, pulling out a large boulder which was hurled at Shi with a roar.


With an aerial kick, the rock was reduced to pebbles. The dust created was blown away by a fist imbued with ki; that attack was also neutralized, this time by Shi easily grabbing the fist.

Shi sighed, "Is it that boyfriend of yours? What, is he cheating with one of these hotties I see everywhere I go? Come on, tell the truth so mother can go castrate him."

Misao pulled her hand loose, " I told you he's not my boyfriend!"

The sparring continued. As Misao threw out countless kicks, punches, chops and palms, she explained that Shi wasn't really far from the actual truth, and that Takumi's dick was really the problem. Unfortunately for Misao, Shi misunderstood again.

"Oh no... too small? Must hurt to know that you're losing your virginity to a weiner. Just make the best of the foreplay... that's my advice."

A cross popping vein appeared in Misao's head. She shouted that the problem was Takumi's dual cultivating as she threw a punch, one that Shi had to defend against, one which also sent her skidding backwards.

Misao stopped attacking then, she folded her arms as she breathed heavily.

"Haaaaa.... I see now..." Shi checked her arms for injury, "Misao dear, let me ask you something. Why does Takumi and whatever he does upset you so much?"

Misao gasped. With widened eyes, she sent her brain into overdrive trying to find an answer.

Her brain finally clicked, "He's a conceited jerk, that's why!"

Shi laughed. Taking a cross legged seat on the ground, she tapped the earth before her, inviting Misao to do the same.

"I don't think that's the true reason. You know, you're a little conceited yourself, right?"

Misao gasped again. She was about to rebutt fiercely when Shi stopped her.

"Think about it. Why did you go crazy when that Urusla lady was pummeling you? Why does it bother you to the point of madness that this Takumi boy is growing faster than you? It's simple, you're a very prideful girl, and you've failed to notice all this time."

Misao was left dumbfounded. Although her mouth was wide open, she couldn't say a word, Shi's monk-like wisdom had touched her heart. Along with the self realization that came as a result of this short lecture, something else came to Misao.

She now knew how to solve the problem of Takumi's cultivation method.

"Mom! I totally understand what you mean. Looking back now, I can definitely see that I'm a bit arrogant myself so I can't really blame him for being the same way!"

Shi smiled at this.

"Also! If Takumi can dual cultivate, then so can I!!"

And so... Takumi unknowingly had two determined women racing towards his rod.