Chapter 100 - We've Found A Solution

Misao didn't care for Takumi's reaction, she just released a nonchalant huff before opening the door. Takumi, on the other hand, wasn't about to give up just like that.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" He shouted as he chased Misao, hopping and struggling as he put on his robes.

As Takumi's hand landed on Misao's shoulder, prompting her to stop, she shot him a glare, trying get him to back off. But seeing an unusual determination in his eyes, she somewhat calmed down.

Although Takumi was pleased to have gotten Misao's attention, he still felt irritated.

"I never thought you were the type to just smash it and dash it!" He said, his tone getting higher, "So what about that date back at the Lake of Gold?"

Misao was greatly surprised by this. In the instant those words were processed in her mind, her view of Takumi as a playboy who just wanted to sleep with any woman he could. Misao chuckled as she examined Takumi's dramatic expressions...

"Maybe I wasn't the one who wanted to smash."

...But that didn't mean she fell for him.

Misao laughed as Takumi's eyes widened, "That's what happens when you think with your dick instead of your head. We weren't going on a date... we just met there because you needed my help studying. Does that jog your memory?"

Without even giving poor Takumi a chance to process the situation, Misao marched off again, right out of Takumi's hold, signaling that she didn't want to be stopped again.

As Takumi stared at Misao's retreating figure, the truth of their relationship finally came to him. He slowly fell to his knees, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.


"Ahhhh! I can't just sit around like this! It's driving me crazy!"

The atmosphere was of a higher tension level in the main hall, Luna paced around the room with a worried look on her face. The rest of the group just sat on the floor, feeling pretty uneasy. Even the dragons were completely distraught, as they had barely spoke ever since the encounter with Gaia.

"Luna..." Ichika said, her eyes watery, "Sit down. This is hard on everyone."

Luna snorted before stopping in her tracks, she glared at Ichika, unable to calm down. It was this time that Misao, along with Takumi walked in.

"I don't get how you guys are able to sit here while not ONE but TWO calamities are sitting just a few meters away from us!"

As much as they wanted to deny it, Luna was right. Gaia and Athena were threats that they had never come across before. Even now they could feel the deathly pressure above their heads, like a constant reminder of their gloomy situation.

Shi, who sat with eyes closed, released a long sigh, gaining everyone's attention.

"I can't say I disagree with you Luna, but there's absolutely nothing we can do... you saw how easy it was for them to reduce both Misao and I to nothing."

Misao joined in, "Exactly. This might sound crazy coming from me but the best thing we can do is wait it out... hoping their negotiations work in our favor."

"And if push comes to shove... we can just beg until our eyes bleed."

Another sigh was released, but from everyone present this time. The stress was clearly getting to the group, even the villagers could tell that something was wrong, creating a sad aura around Tenshu.


Misao punched the floor.

"Screw this! I don't work well with all this gloomy shit! I'm in the mood for some sparring! Takumi... you interested?!"

With a shrug, Takumi got up to follow. Seeing that there was really nothing else to do, he thought it would be best to enjoy the moment.

But as they walked towards the door, Takumi and Misao was enveloped in a bright pink flash, leaving nothing behind after it disappeared.



"What the-!"

Takumi and Misao appeared in an open field, their minds completely disoriented. Looking around them frantically, they scanned the area. With their senses in total disarray due to the instant teleportation, they couldn't sense the two strong presences floating behind them.

But as soon as their perception returned, a strong pressure overcame them, causing them to shiver as their hairs stood on end. The two were almost too afraid to turn around, only giving themselves some time to these majestic presences before doing so.

Turning slowly, they prepared themselves to gaze upon Gaia and Athena once more. But surprisingly, as they were about to come face to face with the Dieties, the pressure vanished.

"My apologies. I couldn't help myself." Traces of laughter could be heard in Gaia's voice.

Athena rolled her eyes before apologizing for Gaia's playfulness. Her smile managed to dispel all the tension from before.

Takumi cleared his throat, "No harm done. I assume you brought us here because you've finished your negotiations?"

Athena responded with a smile, clapping her hands while nodding. Misao gnashed her teeth at Gaia, who simply released a snicker.

"So what's the verdict? You destroy this world without a single fucking care?" Misao turned her attention to Athena.

The cute diety touched her chest in shock, she composed herself before frantically shaking her head. Although one might jump for joy at this answer, there was something in Athena's tone that told them that the world's safety came with strings attached.

Gaia laughed as he read their thoughts, "Athena! You really outdid yourself with these humans' mental ability! Yes! There are strings attached!"

Takumi gulped nervously while Misao growled. Athena turned her head away in shame as Gaia floated towards the two.

"Do one simple thing and I'll leave Endolis alone... Fight to the best of your ability in the tournament I've planned!"