Chapter 103 - The Tournament Begins!

Even thought it was clear that those under Gaia's control had no free will, Urusla's presence still drove fear into the hearts of everyone around her, even Athena herself. It seemed as if this time, Gaia had gone too far.

"Is this how far you'll go Gaia!? Violating your own Supreme Law just to have your way!?" Athena screamed, for the first time her words of disapproval not accompanied by tears.

But of course, her words meant nothing to Gaia, who seemed to be breathing slightly heavier after bringing Urusla from the dead. Whatever 'law' he just broke, surely had a negative impact on him, no matter how minor.

Once again, Athena was forced to give up trying to get through to Gaia. She sighed, floating over to one side of the arena with her team.

"What happened there?" Takumi asked, concerned, "Supreme Law? How the hell is Ursula still alive?"

It would seem as if Urusla's revival had a greater impact on Takumi than anyone else, probably because she literally took his life some time back, such paranoia is to be expected.

Athena took one more glance over at Gaia, who was nonchalantly, swapping between different battle outfits for his brainwashed team, gnashing her teeth before turning back to Takumi.

"A Supreme Law is one that a Diety sets over their domain, such as Death. Gaia, bringing someone back to life had to overwrite that law, hence his somewhat tired appearance."

Athena added some more substance to her explanation, giving her team an idea of how grave an offense Gaia had just committed, and why she was so irritated by it.

"So you mean we'll have to kill her all over again when she is released from Gaia's rule?" Shiva tackled the most pressing issue.

Urusla had posed quite a threat to Endolis over the years, killing her once was already quite the ordeal, they couldn't imagine what it would be like to so again.

Before Athena was able to provide an answer, Gaia spoke for her, "Don't worry, Fairy Queen, I'll be sure to put her back in the ground once I'm done playing with her."

Gaia snickered before casting another teleportation spell. Soon, the seats of the arena were filled with onlookers of all races, including the rest of the group from Tenshu Village.

"Takumi!" Ichika and Luna screamed as they tried to vault over the seats, only be blocked by an invisible wall.

Takumi tried his best to reassure them with a smile but barely managed to crack one. Not even his narcissism could hide his nervousness, after all, the fate of this realm was in his hands.

Gaia threw his hands to the air as he prepared one final announcement before kicking off the tournament.

"People of all races! I've gathered you all here today to bear witness to this momentous occasion. What you see here are two teams, team which hold the future of your beloved world in their hands!"

Gaia gestured to his team first, donning dark battle suits tailored to each of their unique fighting styles. Purple energy of an ethereal nature coursed through joints and cracks in each suit of armor.

"On this end, we have the Chariot of Darkness, led by yours truly! As you all may have deduced, this is surely the team you don't want to come out victorious, as their win means this realm's defeat!"

Gaia paused to make space for cheers and such, but not a single scream was heard. Every spectator could only sit with mouths gaped in fear as the pressure both Gaia and his team gave off was purely stifling.

"And in this corner!" Gaia pointed, with a noticeable dip in enthusiasm, to Athena's team, "The beacons of hope for your pitiful world! The... the... th-"

"The Wings of Athena!" The cute Diety shouted, surprising her team.

Athena joined Gaia at the centre of the arena, waving her hands over her team as she magically clad them in similar suits of armor, only these outfits giving off a much holier feeling, with snow white feathers placed beautifully within the crafted auras.

As Athena winked at her team, she decided it would be much better than wallowing in fear to have a little fun as well. And that message was translated perfectly.

The Wings of Athena let out heartfelt battle cries, rousing the crowd into the a booming cheer that rattled the very pebbles that sat on the arena floor.

"How do you like that?" Athena teased, "It would seem I'm backed by popular demand"

Gaia couldn't help but growl at the taunts he received, even some younger members of the crowd booed him and his team.

"Haha! Wonderful!" Gaia shouted once more, "It seems we really are ready to start, so without further ado!"

With a snap, two people from each team disappeared, before reappearing in the centre of the arena.

"Our first battle. A honorable member of the Chariots of Darkness, a vassal of the Sun Dragon Emperor Haruka, Misao!"

Misao's blank expression changed to one ready for battle as her figure was revealed. She instantly drew her scythe and called her dragon marks to attention, the celestial markings swirling around her arms.

"And from Athena's Wings-" Gaia teased.

"Wings of Athena"

"Whatever- Known for predicting storms, often seemed out for advice on the future. Holding the future in those entrancing eyes, Shiva, the Fairy Queen!"

Shiva, although faced with this unexpected, and rather unfair match-up, took a deep breath. She readied her runes and took an aerial fighting stance.

"Now! Let the games begin!"