It's been several years since I was born, and I've noticed a few very important things.
First, I am not on Earth, I was born into the Marvel universe in Asgard so of course I am not human anymore, I am Asgardian, more specifically I am vanir asgardian.
In short, several tens of thousands of years ago the Vanirs lived in vanaheim and the Aisirs in Asgard, and the two groups did not like each other so they went to war, which ended in a tie, a peace treaty was established, and the Vanirs moved to Asgard.
Originally, both groups are the same race, with the difference that the Aisirs are warriors while the Vanirs are magicians, farmers ... etc.
In Asgard, the upper layer is made up of Aisirs or hybrids, while the lower layer is made up of vanirs. This class structure would have been difficult to notice if you weren't experiencing it.
As asgardian, I possess several physiological features, such as extended life, superhuman strength, superhuman durability, superhuman endurance ... etc.
Also, all speak is an essential skill for all gods, and it is the reason I can understand my mother, who spoke Asgardian before.
My new name is Valli Trigevson, my father's name is Trigev, and my mother's name is Helga, in Asgardian, my name means loyalty and fidelity, my father's name means protection, while my mother's name means fighting.
My father is a soldier who is currently merchant while my mother is a female soldier who is temporarily work as a pharmacist, with this being said, it is natural that our house looked like a small palace, it is good that Asgard was so prosperous that even the middle class has no shortages.
I spent the first months of my life listening to my parents and slowly learning the Asgard language, I don't want to panic them if I suddenly speak English, and I don't want to know their reaction.
After learning the basics of the Asgardian language, I started speaking my first words, which was Mama papa, in order not to arouse any kind of resentment or jealousy from my parents, and it seemed that they liked this since they asked me to repeat my words many times.
I might not admit this if someone asked me, but I came to love my new parents, however, after that my mom started teaching me more about the language through books and talking to me, it was a great help, especially since the child's mind quickly absorbs things.
By my first birthday I could understand and read Asgard very well, as far as speech is concerned I still speak as a child.
Upon reaching this level, I began to read and learn all the books I had, especially the ones that contain information about Asgard.
Oh, by the way, I was born in 864 AD in Earth's history, or at least that's what I think, the book on the Nine Worlds isn't very detailed about Midgard.
Just as Asgard is a flat planet, the size of a small continent, I know that some of my friends from my previous life will start making many theories about this place, and most of the nine worlds, especially Asgard, are not in the normal universe but in a separate space of their own, which means that Asgard In a pocket universe.
By the age of five I had to enter school, yes, there are schools in Asgard, a civilian school for civilians, a school of magic for magicians, and a military school for making army talents.
Everyone enters the civilian school for six years in order to study basic subjects such as history, geology, biological, and some foreign languages ... etc, and what struck me is that we study physics, really, we live on a flat planet in a pocket universe with infinite amount of water, and our civilization depends entirely on magic, and despite that we are studying physics ?!
With this it was said, after these six years, anyone can choose either the military school or the magic school, or both, or not study at all, thanks to the wealth of our civilization, even the unemployed can live comfortably.
And if you were fortunate enough to become a god, you could live ... as a god, with many privileges as authority over the realm of your divinity, and an extended life even for the Asgardians, perhaps for this reason Odin is very old, I do not know his exact age, but he was the king of Asgard for many generations, with Knowing that the ordinary Asgardian lives nearly thousands of years.
Although Asgardians are referred to as gods, it would be appropriate to say that all Asgardians possess the potential to become gods, all thanks to the spark of Odin's force within us.
Thanks to the spark of Odin's force, Thor could become the god of thunder, and Baldur could be the god of light, which is also the reason why the ordinary Asgardian is not a god.
One can gradually build his divinity, for example, participate in wars so much that your divinity becomes one of war, or if someone is lucky he will undergo some awakening, for example, suddenly you become a god of war.
Either way, the first requires long years, depending on the talent of the individual, it may take thousands of years, while it is rare for a person to wake up with his divinity suddenly, well, the only one I know of this kind is Amora, who is the goddess of seduction, she is a hundred years older than me. I don't know her personally, but it seems the goddess of seduction is a little famous.
After completing my six years in the school, I enrolled (with the approval of my parents) in each of the magic school and the military school, spending a week in each school.
As for the school of magic, I took classes in runes and enchanting, while I was studying other classes on my own, through books in school and consulting with teachers, I was putting my full focus and mental strength when it came to learning magic, it can be said that magic is my fastest way to get stronger. And I will not give it up easily. Fortunately, thanks to my being vanir, my affinity for magic is very good, although my parents never learned magic.
As for the military school, our training began in a simple way, as we learned how to punch, kick and stand properly on the battlefield.
There I dealt with the first form of racism, as the Aisir was always put against the Vanir in combat, and it was not permissible to use runes or any form of magic in these 'friendly' battles, where we were always got our ass kicked by the Aisir.
Just as the Vanir was so closely related to magic, the Aisir were just muscular minds.
After that we were trained to fight with heavy or white weapons, depending on one's choice. I trained in archery and dual blades.
This went on for eight years.