17 years have passed very quickly, and I am currently about 36 years old, I graduated from the school of magic already a year ago, and I have now rune master title, while my enchanting abilities and mind's magic abilities are still above average only.
In fact, I have only met the minimum requirements of a rune master, but a rune master is a rune master no matter what, and I am also the youngest rune master in the history of Asgard, you cannot blame me because I have worked very hard, so while most Asgardians do not reach my level until after a hundred A year at least, I've outgrown them at least ten times.
Apart from this, I have made several magic tools, one of them is the Thompson Contender with a silver and pale blue color, which looks normal at first glance, but has been enchanted with magic that increases the range, speed and penetration power of the bullets that are fired from it, with the rune's formation In order to make bullets from magical energy, I named this pistol the White Death.
I was not a fan of the bow and arrow, the only reason I had been practicing archery before was in order to train my shooting accuracy and distant observation skill, I had reached a level similar to Hawkeye where I could see distant objects with great accuracy, this combined with my white death, such as giving Tiger wings.
The other is a magic ring made of Mithril, which has been enchanted with a special magic, when a person or creature is killed by me, the ring absorbs the remainder of his life force and transforms it into a stamina that comes to me.
Unlike Thor, my muscles still produce toxins when stressed, which means that I am still gonna be tired eventually, I really envy the fact that the physical strength of Aisirs increases steadily, we vanirs have to work twice as hard for the same result! No wonder that Thor is so overpowered.
However, mithril is a metal with very mystical properties and it's very expensive, not only because of its value but also due to the fact that it is not present in Asgard, it is only found in Vanaheim, the former home of the vanir, buying a small amount of it cost me some money, but it was Really worth.
Comparing the pistol and the ring, it is clear which is more valuable, while the pistol is a fairly powerful weapon, the ring gives me infinite stamina as long as I find a prey to kill.
Also, I recently started working on a new type of magic weapon, on a completely different level from the pistol and the ring, and it would be designed to deal with large numbers of enemies, and would be useful in large-scale wars.
I also joined the military as a enforcer, what is this? Sometimes someone threatens peace in the Nine Realms, and the job of Enforcers is to capture or defeat these people.
As long as I am Enforcer, and as long as I have someone stupid enough to make a little noise, there is a great chance that I can get out of Asgard, most Asgardians cannot go to other worlds freely, and everyone who escapes is considered a fugitive, not a criminal, only that he will have to spend Some punishment upon his return, this was said, it is difficult for everyone to escape from Heimdall's eyes.
Heimdall is another person whom I like to believe I'm a friend with him at least, he is not very talkative but he is a good listener, and he was also answering my questions about Bifrost Bridge, not saying any classified information but only some basic information.
Such as his ability to observe the Nine Realms comes from an ancient magic connected to the Bifrost Bridge, and that while everyone else must touch his sword in order to use magic and bifrost, he and King Odin can do so from a distance.
That aside, one of the people I became friends with is Heimdall's half-sister, lady sif, there isn't a great friendship between us but it's something.