Fafnir quickly ate the vase that I had thrown at him and he looked at me angrily, roaring among us, rushing towards me to eat me like the vase.
However, only when he was a few inches away from my gnawing did he stop in place, and regardless of the fact that he was shivering as if he was fighting someone else's pressure, I thought he was dead.
I smiled sarcastically, and a little arrogance, and went back several steps before I started speaking, "Really, did you not hear before that you should watch out for what you eat? Sometimes you may eat poison, or expired food, or it may not be food at all!"
I looked into his eyes only to see the same previous rage, but there is some confusion too now, upon seeing this I decided to explain this phenomenal.
"Volumen Hydrargyrum" I said the name of the tool I just used "This is the name of the weapon that prevents you from moving"
That's right, Volumen Hydrargyrum, the versatile weapon that Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald used in the Fourth Holy Grail War, it's a magical tool made of mercury and magic, and I can control it remotely, it took nearly 10 years of hard work to completely manufacture it, Because the materials in Asgard are 3 times denser, my Volumen Hydrargyrum is expected to be stronger than the original.
This was the first time I had used it in real combat, and it seemed to make it worth the oriental time.
When Fafnir took the vase that contained Volumen Hydrargyrum, or as I like to call it, the moon's spirit marrow, I controlled mercury to spread throughout Fafnir's body, now I can control him like a doll.
It's similar to blood bending, but with mercury and magic.
I waved my hand in front of his head, and a small amount of mercury came out of his mouth and flew around my hand, manipulating it to form a blade with a sharp tip.
"wherever you end up in, i hope you find some form of peace."
Fafnir was still frozen in his previous position, his mouth open towards me while he was standing on all fours, I waved my blade and made an opening in the area between his chest and his neck where his blood began to leak out like a tap, I, I opened my mouth wide and started drinking Fafnir's blood and As if I were drinking water.
What? According to many books in the library, drinking the blood of a mature dragon can enhance the strength and vitality of the body, extend your life span by delaying aging, it is analogous to eating golden apples that grow next to Valhalla, and I, Valli Trigevson the great, will never miss this opportunity. ! Judge me! And I will take advantage of Fafnir's body as I see fit!
While I was drinking his blood, I started to feel that my body temperature started to rise but I kept drinking blood anyway, unlike humans who cannot drink blood, I am sure that my Asgardian body can handle it!
After a while, I stopped drinking and fell on my knees while I saw the thorns in my arm and the rest of my body swelling as if it was about to explode! While my whole body was feeling as if it was burning!
I stayed on the floor, suppressing the pain, and breathing heavily for about 15 minutes until I felt the pain steadily diminishing.
I slowly stood up and saw that the earth was filled with Fafnir's blood and that the dragon, Fafnir, had already died, just to be sure, I stabbed his brain a few times.
Upon making sure he was really dead, I removed Volumen Hydrargyrum from his body and collected it as a metal ball of 10 liters of mercury floating near me.
I opened Fafnir's chest and took out his heart, staring at him for a long time, should I eat it? I mean, just an amount of Fafnir's blood made me hurt for a quarter of an hour, I don't doubt eating it might give me some form of strength, but ...
fuck it! I bite the heart hard and ate part of it, but I didn't stop here, after swallowing this part I bite the heart again and did this over and over until I finished the heart that was slightly bigger than the palm of my hand.
For a few moments, nothing happened but suddenly I started to feel that some kind of energy woke up in me, and I was sure my eyes were crowned with white light, and with that, the energy, which I recognized as an Odin force, or divinity, has settled down and This phenomenon ceased to occur.
I looked at the palms of my hand for a few moments and noticed that I could actually manipulate my godly energy around my body, a kind of energy completely different yet much like the magical energy, but ...
I am the god of wisdom, I don't know how to know this, I just do, if I remember well, eating the heart of Fafnir gave Siegfried the ability to talk to birds, it clearly has something with wisdom.
I paused before realizing that just a moment ago, I did not remember this information about Fafnir's heart, only to realize that enhancing memory would be the prerogative of the god of wisdom.
Perhaps, the heart's interaction with the odin force causing it to awaken? This is my only conclusion for now, I'll look into it later, but now I have to complete my mission.
I looked at Fafnir's body for a moment before I headed towards the cave and entered it, the reason I drank and ate the blood and heart of Fafnir was because I might not be able to do that in Asgard.
I am a god! I'm so excited! I am currently at the top of my own race and this is, of course, something one should be proud of, and I am only 50 years old, my family must be very proud of me, I am sure my dad will pour something like how it is his genes that gave me talent, asgardians believe in genes!!
Of course, I still have to slowly discover and train my divinity's abilities, I mean, my divinity is not of the fighting type but I don't think it's useless.
While I was overwhelmed by my thoughts, I quickly reached the Treasure of Fafnir, which is a small mountain of gold. When looking at all this gold, I had the idea of stealing it and running away to a place where no one would find me.
"who are you?" A girl's voice called me, I turned to see the guy who called me, my mission target, brynhildr, only to find a wall of flame separating us.
Yes, it would be unwise to steal a damned treasure and keep it, its good that someone took me back to my senses, hey! I also have flaws!
I used a rune to create a wind wave and extinguish the fire, only to see a pretty 6'3 blonde woman wearing an armor and a Valkyrie crown.
Anyone may fall in love with her immediately, but ... I am impressed of course, but I am not a believer in love at first sight, sorry!
"Are you brynhildr?" I asked her simply and telly.
"who are you?" She looked at me while looking a little wary.
"Valli, enforcer, I was sent by your father personally in order to save you, I apologize if I'm a little late," I said, making sure to give a touch of false sorry to my voice.
"No ... were you the one who lured the dragon before? We must hurry before he returns!" She said while she relaxed a little, but became alert immediately as she hurried to her sword on the other side of the cave.
I smiled upon watching her actions, "Don't worry, I've already dealt with Fafnir, it's not a problem anymore."
Brynhildr stopped in place upon hearing and turned towards me "You killed him?"
"Indeed" I said to her briefly while I wiped the cave with my own eyes, this dragon was really poor! He possesses no treasure besides this damned gold!
"You ... someone with your skill should be famous, but I don't recognize you."
"This is, of course, due to the fact that this is my first assignment, it is natural that someone in your stature has never heard of me before."
"You mean you killed him on your first mission? I don't believe you!"
"Shadow boxing, imagination fighting, simulation battles, being well prepared for all situations, and a good weapon, physically I do not have any combat experience, but mentally I am as expert like any other warrior, in addition, I am surprised that someone like you could not win, "I told her. While I didn't hide the resentment in my voice.
I don't want to be rude to someone from the royal family, but I just saved her! Some gratitude would be nice!
"I am sorry, I did not mean to offend you, you may be on a mission but that does not mean that you did not save me," she told me as it seemed that she realized the situation.
"As for your question, I was on the verge of killing him in the past when he managed to hit me." She lifted her shirt and showed me an injury on her side, which is now covered with a worn cloth. "My flying horse was killed and I ran into the forest where I managed to treat myself to some extent before he found me again And holding me here. "
"I see…" I approached her and pointed towards her injury, "Can I?" She nodded.
I pressed the injury spot causing Brynhildr to groan, it seemed that the injury had not healed yet, it is hard to believe that Brynhildr was standing and moving with this injury, she have dealt with the bleeding but the pain she is experiencing is unbearable, I applied a pain suppressing spell on her .
"I applied a spell to help you deal with the pain, but you need to get medical attention as soon as possible, okay?"
"Yes, thank you," she said to me before reaching her hand "We didn't get to know each other properly yet. I am Brynhildr odinsdottir, 200 years old, Valkyrie, always in your Debt."
Hoping Odin isn't watching, I grabbed her hand and shook her hand as I introduced myself "Valli Trigevson, 50 Years, enforcer, always at your service"
" this is going to be difficult then, let's go back to Asgard first ..." she said as she was about to wave her sword before I stopped her.
"Can you call the bifrost bridge with your sword?"
"Yes why?" She asked me while she tilted her head to the side.
"In this case..."