Time flies by when you just focus on making it pass, but it passes faster when you focus on doing something, for me it's been 20 years so fast, and now I'm an old man in my seventies .... well, maybe I'm not that old, but who cares, right?
After my glory days after my first mission, everything was back to normal after a few weeks, well, regardless of the fact that I am now a well-known character in Asgard, I have managed to maintain my previous routine with some minor changes.
For example, trying to discover the abilities of my wisdom divinity and trying new things about it, fortunately, it seems that with my intense study and my spirit of adventure, I can both do this to the fullest, and have been able to identify some passive traits of my divinity and some active abilities.
Firstly, after I became the god of wisdom, I could think logically most of the time, and I also had a near-perfect memory. It's not like I have the kind of superstitious memory that can remember a book in its entirety after a peek, but of the type that, as long as I read a book in the past, I'll be able to remember it later.
There is also an effect on how quickly I learn new things, since while this ability is not exaggerated, I have noticed that I am learning a little faster now, maybe it is just my passion for learning, or ... due to the fact that I am the god of wisdom, and that it is wisdom Learning new things, I put extra effort on the subject.
Secondly, some of the abilities and skills derived from my divinity are, for example, the acceleration of the mind, which is the skill that allows the user to speed up the processing of his own thoughts. In the beginning I could only speed up my thoughts to about 50%, but with practice comes mastery, and it became I can now speed up my thoughts by up to fifty times, cool, right? Another skill that falls under this skill is parallel processing, which is the ability to create separate mental rooms for the sake of multiple thoughts. The safe limit is currently only five rooms, but when these two skills are used together, the maximum speed of each room's thought is only ten times. .
And these skills are derived from my divinity, so they are limited to me, but other gods of wisdom may be able to use them as well, and there may be some kind of magic associated with speeding up and dividing thoughts but I don't think it will be as good as my skills.
A skill/spell in which my divinity and my magic share is 'analysis', which is the ability to analyze all organic and mineral matter at the atomic level as long as I can touch this substance, unfortunately, I have not been able to create a skill to project the things that I have analyzed magically, this is truly a disappointment.
However, I used these skills in order to advance my studies in magic of mind and chemistry to a whole new level, and I managed to become master in both of them at the end of these twenty years, unfortunately Amora, the notorious goddess of seduction, is the youngest chemical master of that. I didn't earn this title.
and, i learned in the hard way that my talent doesn't belong to illusions.
I also began to learn the Asgardian blacksmithing art, which is, while much better than Midgard's, but I noticed that it is inferior to the dwarf blacksmithing arts, I mean, these dwarves can manufacture a weapon like the Stormbreaker in a few hours maximum! If this is not magic then I do not know what is magic! ... wait, I am a magician ...
Anyway, I decided that in the near future I would go to Nidavellir in order to start learning blacksmithing and crafting, I know that they will not teach me their secrets and magic, but their traditional crafting methods will also be appropriate, plus it will not be the first time an Asgardian asks to learn dwarves Methods of blacksmithing.
So, I submitted a written request to Odin about this, and prayed to myself that I would not be rejected.
Some people might ask why I should submit reports, requests, and await approval, while Thor can do whatever he wants, well, isn't that clear? Thor is the heir to the throne, he literally owns Asgard, while I am a mere new god in the social climbing stage, and, Asgard has laws and rules!
In previous years I was sent on several missions, such as arresting a prisoner escaping from Asgard prison, rescuing a family of an animal species on the verge of extinction from in alfheim, and exterminating a hostile and brutal tribe of rock trolls at the edges of vanaheim consisting of 30 troll, and that What I did, but I left the babies alive, they might grow up and get worse than their parents, but I'm going to deal with them at that time, there were a few other extra missions.
Brynhildr, the Valkyrie princess that I saved at the time, has become one of my few friends, when we have a shared free time, we often hang out together, there is something between us but non of us recognize it and didn't brings it, first, Valkyries are virgins warriors, They can, of course, marry and have offspring, but the matter is a little complicated and requires the approval of the queen.
Secondly, I do not like drama, and the fact that she is the adopted princess means a lot of this, and I prefer not to disturb my mind about these topics, and even though I am a god, in another life i was raised on the appropriate rules of behavior, and one of them is not to take an advantage of the Feelings of a girl in distress, and I am sure, someday I will find a suitable woman!...
or i will be doomed to have a lonely life, one of those two.