Although I did not like Odin, and of course I am not satisfied with his decisions, this does not mean that I will make a rash decision and act against him in an attempt to eliminate him, in fact, I do not even want to eliminate him.
Not only is he stronger than me and that the Asgardians will never accept anyone else as king, and I have no intention of ruling Asgard, but Odin was the one who keeps the peace of the Nine Realms, keeping both Hella and cul Borson sealed, and he is one of the few People who can oppose the celestials.
Therefore, I suppressed the dissatisfaction within me and began to help other soldiers collect the corpses of the frost giants in one pile, in an unorganized manner, while the corpses of the Asgardians were placed in an orderly manner, a corpse next to a corpse.
This is because the frost giants are our enemies, that we will throw their bodies into Jotunheim like trash, while the Asgardians are our people and we will give them a proper funeral in Asgard.
Also, I talked with Brynhildr and I noticed that she was worried about my mental health, I think that even the Asgardians do not kill hundreds of people on their own, especially not in their first battle, or maybe odin told her something? I told her I was fine and I gave her some words of encouragement and told her not to die in Gutenheim.
I gave a similar conversation to my parents, although again, they told me that if they died and I missed them all I could always die in battle to reach Valhalla.
When our work was done and the different soldiers and warriors started comparing themselves to each other, I opened a small shop in order to repair their equipment for a low price when returning to Asgard, which is what everyone agreed because they don't want to go to another battle with broken or damaged equipment. .
Another thing I noticed was humans, they were hiding in far away places and watching us, I don't know what they thought but I am sure that they realized, with their simple mind, that we are kind and good gods that we have come to defend them and their homes.
And let's be honest, this is the only reason why we came here, if the Earth were not inhabited by intelligent life like humans, it would have been given to anyone who claims it, or it would have been used as a war zone in order to settle disputes.
After a while, Heimdall began to transfer the army to Asgard in order to obtain reinforcements and go to the next battle at jutenheim, while I was left alone in Midgard, and while I collected my belongings in a bag, I did not leave the battle site until I saw that a pile of corpses Frost Giants being drawn away by the Bifrost.
Well, now no smart person will ever attempt to experiment with these corpses, if anyone read some novels from the modern era they would know that Dr. Frankenstein is not the only crazy scientist or wizard.
There was a reason why I wanted to stay in Midgard, and that desire was not to get a vacation, but to do the propagation of my myth as the god of wisdom and magic in Norse mythology.
I don't want everyone to know Thor as the god of thunder but when they hear the name Valli trigevson they won't know me, I want to be famous!
My first destination was the humans who were observing the battlefield. My top speed was 180 meters per second or 400 miles per hour so it wasn't difficult to get close to them quickly.
When they saw me I approached them so quickly, these humans, who seemed to be Vikings, bowed to me and asked for forgiveness about something I didn't know.
Since I am a good god who values the concept of honor and dignity, I told them to stand on their feet and respect themselves, but not before using a mind reading spell on one of them in order to learn information about the current norse religion, and I found that some of their stories are very similar to the mythology of My previous life.
The reason there are stories about the Nine realms in Midgard, or Earth, is because of the Asgardians who are sent on missions, or because of the giants who live in hidden tribes on Earth, or because of some rare humans who can receive few memories of the World Tree.
Therefore, some stories are either fabricated or unclear.
When I got to Tonsberg, I told them who I was, Valli trigevson the great, and that I am the god of wisdom and magic.
I even told them about killing Fafnir, rescuing the princess, killing 30 rock trolls one day, killing 1,000 frost giants on my own, and many of my many labors.
of course, some of them wondered why my stories about Asgard were so different, but I wisely convinced them that my words were the truth.
I also taught them to write and told them some of the meanings of the runes, after all, I am the god of wisdom and I find pleasure in spreading my divine wisdom among the mortals.
I spent several weeks in Tonsberg until I made sure that my stories were solidly grounded before heading east, towards my next goal.
Since Asgard didn't call me again, maybe I could take this opportunity to get stronger!