
However, after realizing that as a god of wisdom, I should not act childish on purpose (which is what I like to do), especially since Heimdall might be watching me.

Heimdall or Odin might suspect why I was going to Olympus, especially since Asgard and Olympus had fought against each other before in a fight in which neither side had won and ended with the formation of the Council of the Gods.

But again, necessity justifies the means, had Odin endowed the Asgardians with other types and classes of magic, I would not have had recourse to our former enemy and our current ally.

Also, I can only tell the truth, that I went to Olympus in order to learn more about magic, their culture and their society, since as a god of wisdom, I love to explore new things.

Of course, Odin may not be satisfied with my answer, as he is a proud and arrogant king who will not acknowledge the superiority of anywhere else over Asgard, but I don't care and I'm going to rub that fact into his beard.

I was about to pass through the portal when lightning struck behind me and I heard a hoarse voice behind me, "Do not take another step, boy, otherwise you will have to face my wrath!"

I immediately turned around and saw the man who spoke, a middle-aged man with hair and a black beard about 2 meters long, wearing black clothes that showed part of his chest.

Judging by the appearance, ability, and nature of this place, it was not difficult to infer the identity of this person, although I did not expect him to appear here, at least, Odin would not appear personally in front of someone trying to infiltrate Asgard.

"skyfather, it is a great honor to meet you," I said as I leaned forward before quickly standing up again.

Unlike Odin, who I was forced to kneel before him and wait for his permission to stand, Zeus was not my king, but since he is one of the few creatures that can compete with cosmic entities, I should give him some respect.

"You know me, it means that you are not ignorant."

You are so famous for being unfaithful to your wife and as a rapist and a big d*ck, do you think I won't recognize you?

"I am very far from ignorance, skyfather a, I am God of wisdom," I said to him as I took one step back.

"I know this very well, valli of the asgardians, you have come from a great distance from your home," he said to me as he put his hands behind his back.

Damn cosmic awareness, I wish I had this ability, it would save me a lot of trouble.

"In any case, what is the reason for your wanting to encroach on my house and enter it without permission? Depending on your answer I will decide your fate, and do not try to lie, I will know" he said while the lightning started appearing on his body in a threatening way.

Well, now things are starting to get serious, I really expected that the Olympians would not be friendly, especially since I tried to sneak into their own realm, but again, it looks like Zeus will decide my fate depending on whether he like my answer, I'm not lying so there was no need To worry.

"The only reason I want to come to Olympus is in order to complete my magical education, and learn more about your community and culture," I said while giving him a friendly smile, hoping he would like my honest answer.

"Are you confident in your words, and that you have no hidden intentions against me or Olympus?" Zeus said, while he frowned, it seemed that my smile didn't have the desired effect.

"I am confident of the veracity and authenticity of my words, skyfather, and I also assure you that I have neither ulterior motive nor intent to act against you or against Olympus or against any of the Olympians."

Zeus stared directly at me, but I also stared at him without any hesitation, again, I might give him proper respect for a person of his stature but I would not act as his servant.

"Hahaha," Zeus broke the silence and laughed. "You know what, boy, I think I like you so I will be a good host and welcome you at my house, but I have to warn you, my affection is hard to win and easy to lose, so try not to make me grow displeased"

I looked at him strangely and tried to think of a reason for his current strange behavior, but I could only conclude that he is behaving like Zeus, after all, I don't expect all the Kings of Gods to have the same personality as Odin.

"I'll keep this in my mind," I told him.

"Well then, come with me, you'll love it at Olympus! I bet you'll never want to return to a place as boring as Asgard!" He said as he passed through the portal.

Well, it looks like he's going to kidnap me and force me to stay on Olympus, but I've come so far really that I don't want to go back.

Also, the benefits that I will gain are much higher than the losses, and I may be able to form some relationships with some Olympians.

Also, I might be able to reinforce my divinity in this place, becoming a stronger god means becoming a better god.

I suppressed the hesitation in my heart and followed Zeus through the gate.