I did not intend to kill the Minotaurs, because they were intelligent, conscious beings, but after I found that they were stupid and more hostile than the Hulk, I did not mind killing them since they attacked me.
It was self-defense, as I would not search for more of them and kill them, I am not crazy about killing, on the other hand, I found the Gorgons who used to live in cold and lonely caves.
It was only two, Eurial and Sthino.
I was not attacked by them, but they did not agree to let me study their fossilisation abilities until after agreeing to fulfill their wishes.
So, I was working as a wish-fulfillment genie for them, hunting animals for them, guarding them, treating their illnesses and wounds ... etc, but at least, by the end of this month, I was able to create a stoning spell (useless against someone with magical resistance) And a counter spell.
I could have brought the fossilized creatures back to their natural state, but I wasn't able to turn the statues into living creatures, so I'll engineer a spell for this later.
Why do I want to create life? Because I'm a god, the gods always say they make life, in fact, Hera made some Amazonians out of stones and statues and I want to be able to do this.
Anyway, right now, I was wandering through the woods back to Olympus since I had achieved everything I wanted to achieve, and while I was doing this I started to hear some faint noises so I went to check it out.
And this wasn't because of my curiosity, no, it was ... my sixth sense of being able to predict the future, yeah.
I approached cautiously as I crept through the trees, only to see that near a lake, a golden-horned deer was dying while a brown-haired girl, dressed in red clothes and gold handbands, looked sad for him.
I could have guessed that this girl is Artemis, the goddess of hunting, wilderness, archery, and virginity, and one of the 3 eternal virgins on Olympus.
However, this situation is completely strange, if she is sad for him then all she has to do is bandage his wounds, finished! And if she hunted him, why is she sad?
In spite of all this, I decided to intervene in the event, although I would have preferred to have never met Artemis.
"Lady Artemis, is there any problem?" I said as I emerged from among the trees, "This deer looks like it's about to die."
She looked at me for a moment before admiring, "He was poisoned, the venom has already spread to his entire body ..."
If so, make an antivenom and save your deer's life! Hey ... she might not know what kind of venom it infected, and she might not have the knowledge required to create it in a short time.
"Let me see, Lady Artemis, I may have proven that I am useful," I said to her as I slowly approached the deer.
I am not afraid of her, no, but to be aware of her that she is nit friendly towards men, and I prefer not to act loudly and importantly because that wins enemies only.
First, I made signs with my hands and cast a few runes on him, runes of resistance to poison, runes of slowing down blood circulation, runes of stimulating healing, it wouldn't heal right away but it would slow its death.
After that, I touched his body and activated 'view the past' as my mind was pulled to another place where the events in my mind were being played as if I had lived them.
"He was bitten by a spotted wolf snake," I told her, "he will die in 10 minutes thanks to my magic. If we work together, I can make an antivenom."
"sure, what should I do?" She answered immediately, it seems that this deer is dear to her.
"Catch the snake, it went in that direction a few minutes ago," I said as I pointed to the West, "I'm going to collect the other materials, I'll wait for you in 5 minutes."
"Okay." Artemis held her bow and ran in that direction, hoping she could find the snake, but as the goddess of hunting and of the wild, I don't doubt that.
The antivenom for a wolf snake did not require much material, only the venom of the snake itself, the slippery water mushroom, and solani herb.
The slippery water mushroom was already by the lake, while the Solani herb sprouted beside the trees in the middle of the forest, my speed was 3000 mph, which is very fast.
So, I ran into the woods while looking for a solani plant, after about 3 minutes I could find it and went back to the lake side where I picked the slippery water mushroom.
Just a minute later, Artemis came back with the giant snake in his hand, she stood 3 meters away from me and gave the snake to me "cure him"
I grabbed the snake and sat on it so that it would not run away, while I mixed the slippery water mushroom and Solani herb and turned them into a paste, before carrying the snake again and opening its mouth and inducing it to spit out the poison on the paste.
I let the snake go while I mixed the poison and paste, before I put a small amount of the paste on the deer's wound and fed him the rest, which made Artemis look at me slightly hostile, but her gaze disappeared when she saw that the deer was recovering gradually and significantly.
"We are done here, Lady Artemis," I said while standing, "I think I should leave now."
"I… thank you," she told me with a strange expression on her face, she seemed unaccustomed to thanking… a male, she is femist after all.
"Oh, no problem" I said as I turned to leave before I could remember something, I turned towards her and took a gem out of my pocket "If you can fill this with some of your energy, I would be very thankful."
"This..." She looked at me suspiciously "I wouldn't do this, you can leave now"
This...! Did she refuse to help me after saving the life of her dear deer ?! Maybe I should have let him die ... yeah, a mental note: Don't help femists in the future.
I was about to leave when she said, "If you can do something for me, I might do it."
"What can I do for you?" I told her while I was ready to leave anytime now.
"Before a long time, I lost the Heart Seeking Bow to Hades, if you can get it back, I will fill in any number of Gems you give me."
"This ... I'll think about it." I said to her as I started walking away, cool, she gave me an impossible task just not to be considered ungrateful?